$ 120 million needed for,The third stage of public works projects [Archives:2004/776/Business & Economy]

September 27 2004

The project for public works in Yemen constitutes the cornerstone of the social safety umbrella aimed at absorption of the largest amount of unemployed workforce and d alleviation of poverty. The project has inaugurated a workshop on activities of the third phase intended to be executed during the period 2006-2009.
Reports of legal accountants and the Central Apparatus for Statistics confirmed transparency of the project's performance and the effectiveness of its interference and its freedom from corruption during the implementation of the both the first and second phases of the project. Prime Minister Abdulqader Bajammal has estimated the project's need for the implementation of third phase at no less than $ 120 million though it is receiving support from the World Bank and partners of development in Yemen.
Deputy prime minister, the minister of planning and international cooperation Ahmed Soufan said the project had implemented in its two stages several projects from which 3.3 million people from various governorates benefited. Beneficiaries from the project include about 253 thousands in the field of health and more than 513 thousands in the areas of education. There are about 339 thousands beneficiaries in the field of waters and more than 669 thousands in the field of roads, more than 147 thousands in sewage projects, more than 104 thousands in agriculture field and more than 395 thousand in the field of public installations.
Those projects have contrinbuted to the rise in proportion of students enrollment in schools at a rate of 141% and the medium of female joining of school by 181.5%. the number of health teams increased by 217.2% in comparison with the previous situation before the implementation of the projects and improvement of the level of children immunization.