14 billion YR for nutrition in schools [Archives:2003/682/Local News]
Last Thursday operations of food distribution in schools concluded.
A project executed by the Ministry of Education and the World Food Program, it s being carried out in 16 governorates for the 2002 and 2007 plan.
Project manager Hamood al-Akhram said that the distribution operations concluded last Thursday in 81 districts and targeted 16,351 students in 1,224 girls’ schools and 133, 676 meals were distributed in the process.
The department of school nutrition affiliated to the ministry said that in the five years of the plan, the budget is estimated to be $59.7 million, in addition to 800 YR, given yearly from the ministry, making a total budget of 14 YR total budget.
Yemen is considered one of the world's poorest nations in terms of health standards. Most of the population below poverty line suffers from malnutrition and lack of regular medical checkups to diagnose nutrition-related diseases.
“It is often a too-little too-late case for many victims who fall prey to deadly diseases that they cannot overcome due to lack of immunity of their bodies partially due to malnutrition.””a health expert told Yemen Times.