170 Experts Address Workforce Upgrading: NCTEVT Starts Tomorrow [Archives:1999/08/Front Page]
The National Conference on Technical Education and Vocational Training (NCTEVT) will be launched tomorrow by President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Nearly 170 local and international experts will discuss 55 papers on various aspects of manpower development and population growth. “The huge developments and changes in science and technology make technical education and training a priority as it is the major tool for preparing and upgrading the work force in order to deal with current and future needs” reads the prologue to the conference.
Indeed, the government, business, academia, NGOs, as well as bilateral and multi-lateral donors have come together in formulating and shaping the future strategy for manpower development and upgrading in Yemen. This will all come to a climax during 23-27 February, 1999, in Sanaa.
“We have been preparing for this major event for almost a year,” explains Engineer Mohammed Al-Tayeb, Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, and Chairman of Preparation for the conference. The ultimate goal of the gathering is to draft a plan for developing vocational and technical education and training for Yemen for the coming decade.
Several regional and international experiences will also be studied. “We don’t want to re-invent the wheel. We are looking at what others have done in order to learn from them,” Minister Al-Tayed added.
A leading figure in the Preparatory Committee is Mohammed Abdo Saeed, a prominent businessman and Chairman of the Social Development Fund. “The conference will go a long way to define and specify the roles of government and the private sector in vocational and technical training,” he said.