1997 YT Person of the Year: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS [Archives:1997/41/Front Page]

October 13 1997

Yemen Times hereby invites nominations for its 1997 Person of the Year. The 2 main conditions for consideration in nominating are: 1. The candidate is successful in personal life (family and career); 2. The candidate has provided tangible services to the general welfare of the community. The winners of previous Persons of the Year are Tareq Sinan Abu Luhum (1991),  Ahmed Al-Anisi (1992)  Ali Mohammed Saeed (1993),  Abubakar Al-Qirby (1994),  Wahiba Fara (1995) and  Mohammed Al-Naqeeb (1996). Kindly send nominationst to: P. O. Box 2579, Sanaa; or to fax number (01) 268-276
