1998 UNICEF Report on Yemeni Children Show The Need to Act NOW! [Archives:1999/38/Front Page]
SANAA: Children and Women in Yemen is the title of the situation analysis report prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and Development with support from the Swedish Rada Barnen, the World Bank and UNICEF.
The report consists of four volumes. The first three focus on the situation of and recommendations for maternal and child health, nutrition, education, and protection. However, the fourth volume, titled “That They May be Seen and Heard” is a special study dealing with street children, child labor, children and women in conflict with the law and other areas in need of special protection. Volume IV of the report includes astonishing information and statistics about the level of poverty and previously unheard of inhumane circumstances. Many children and women are going through difficult times in Yemen, and no one is doing a thing about it. The report surely indicates the need for action. All the data collection and studies for the report were carried out in 1997 and 1998.
Besides addressing the crucial issues affecting the survival, protection and development of children and women in Yemen and their rights on the Rights of the Child, the report also drives attention to Yemen’s need to recover from its economic crises, which is mostly affecting the innocent children. There is hope that this report will push donor countries to give a helping hand to a country whose children and women are going through the most difficult time of their lives. We need to act now!