29.7% of installations need technical professions and assistants [Archives:2004/751/Business & Economy]
Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
Results of a field survey targeted 7113 installations throughout Yemen have revealed that the net demand for workforce during the period 2004-2006 amounts to about 44468 requests.
The Minister for Social Affairs and Labour Abdulkareem al-Arhabi has made it clear that from among 6450 institutions that responded to the survey, 29.7% are facing a deficit and shortage in technical and assisting professional skills and 25.2% of those installations are facing a shortage in specialized professions and that the number of workers in need of training and employment are 42277 workers forming 16.4% of the total workers included in the survey.
The minister added that the estimated average annual increase of workforce is 168 thousand persons per year. He has confirmed the importance of activating the relationship inside the labour market and organizing it between supply and demand by increasing opportunities of training and qualification for those bearing qualifications and also finding skilled labour.
According to directives of the Yemeni government the Yemeni labour market is facing strong pressures from official and private university education outputs that are described as random and unstudied. It is therefore the government is working, through the ministry of vocational and technical training, for intensifying programs of qualification for graduates from the secondary school in specialized areas needed by productive sectors, whether in government establishments and companies or those of the mixed and private sectors.
Depending on indicators of the workforces' survey, it seems that the productive establishments want technical and vocational and specialized skills and this necessitates that the concerned parties have to coordinate among themselves in order to attain qualification of human cadres and employing them.
Hence, we are of the view of the necessity of achieving balance between the government policy aimed at development of higher education fields and associating its outputs wit needs of development and the labour market.