4,950 Million Tons of Oil exported [Archives:2000/51/Local News]

December 18 2000

About 1498 oil-tankers from different parts of the world anchored in Aden port since the beginning of this year until November 2000. The total volume of crude local and foreign oil unloaded in Aden port and Aden Refinery Company during the same period reached 5,436,837 tons while the total amount of oil exports and oil products run to 4,950,043 million tons.
On the other hand, it is expected that Aden and other Yemeni ports will receive by the end of December this year more than 15 tourist ships bringing thousands of tourists on board.
Two carriers coming from Singapore and Port Sudan, anchored at the container terminal in the Free Zone in Aden last week carrying hundreds of containers for unloading, loading and transit containers. There were also five carriers that reached the port last Saturday coming from Middle East and South of Aisa carrying hundreds of containers for the same purpose.
On the other hand, four tourist French yachts reached Aden coming from Paris. 3680 tourists have come to Yemen during November 2000.
