700 million Riyals allocated for illumination and road projects in the province [Archives:2004/739/Business & Economy]

May 20 2004

The year 2004 is the year of modernization and the completion of infrastructures at most districts of Aden Governorate. Aden governorate has witnessed major expansions in road network construction, the number of asphalted and illuminated roads, the demolishing of randomly-built constructions.
These activities continue at an unprecedented rapidly high pace. Since early of last week, the removal of randomly constructed fences has been going on aiming at widening roads before asphalting and lighting them up, in addition to the rehabilitation of Al-Dureen region.
75- million Riyals is allocated for the rehabilitation of Al-Dureen region and five schools, where works in three of them have been begun.
“The year 2004 is the year of modernization and the completion of infrastructures at Al-Mansourah province in Aden Governorate”, said Mr. Yousef Ali Abdul Jaleel, Director General of Al-Mansourah district, in an interview with Mr. Radhwan Al-Saqqaf of Yemen Times.
“This year Al-Mansourah district has been witnessing an integrated workshop starting from the demolishing of randomly-made constructions, which have extended to streets and have formed obstacles to both pedestrians and traffic, not counting the deformation they cause to the beauty of the city. Street in the district amounting to 32 km long will be widened at al -Mansourah old city, and will be linked to new neighborhoods at cost of 500 million Riyals”, said the Director General.
Additional 200 million Riyals have been allocated for lighting up streets at Al-Mansourah and or to replace previous ones.
“The rehabilitation of Al-Dureen region as an industrial zone and furnishing it with all related-infrastructure equipment would commence after some problems related to construction permits to establish housings were solved. Directives have been given to grant any permits in order to avoid inconsistencies with rehabilitation of Al-Dureen region as an industrial region. As far as previous housing , coordination will take place between the executive authority of the project and owners of houses in order to reach an agreement on how to submit the designed model for the region and future activities”, said Mr. Abdul Jaleel.
He confirmed that the intended rehabilitation of Al-Dureen region is an industrial one to all shops, plants and transformation factories while taking into consideration the environment aspect. “The concept of an industrial zone in Al-Dureen came about with the aim to prevent further disturbances and pollution to the environment many of the residential neighborhoods suffering from at Al-Mansourah province in particular and in Aden Governorate in general. It will be a model for industrial zone”, said the Director General.
With regard to the educational operation in the province,
“75 million Riyals have been allocated for building of five schools, three of which are already under construction and the other two are also included in the plan for the year 2004, at the state's expense”, said Mr. Yousef Abdul Jaleel.
As far as the renovation of old schools, Mr. Abdul Jaleel confirmed that there is a plan in the investment program for the year 2005 and that schools' bathrooms have been rehabilitated by the Public Works authority. In addition, Al-Sharouq Kindergarten has been rehabilitated in order to play its role beside Muaeen Kindergarten.
With regard to the situation of the poor in the province, Mr. Abdul Jaleel said that three measures have been taken to handle the situation:
First: To involve as many as possible in the social security network.
Second: As many citizens as possible from the province will be merged in the projects to be carried out soon in the asphalting and illuminating processes and in other fields of work.
Third: We have worked to determine the number of unemployed labor force through field surveys carried out by members of the local council in order to calculate their numbers and qualification in order to get actual knowledge of the true indicators to find solutions within the future plans in the province in the frame of investment program for the year 2005. As well, the Social Affairs Office has been assigned by the Local Council to reckon the number of available associations (charitable) in the province and to examine their foundations' documents in coordination with the Social Affairs Committee at the Local Council. Soon a meeting will be held with these associations in order to determine and to correct aspects of deficiencies and shortfalls. The associations which have not completed legal procedure will be notified on that.
As far as the treatment of situation concerning the random constructions in the province, it requires collective efforts of the leadership of the governorate and the province and of the related authorities. Mr. Abdul Jaleel said that works have commenced in the eradication of unauthorized constructions on streets such as fences and bookstores. And concerning the situation of the illegally built inhabited homes, it will be dealt with in the second phase of the plan until the completion of other technical works related to asphalt, illumination.
Mr. Abdul Jaleel alluded to the health situation in the province by saying,”Efforts are being exerted to utilize all available health facilities. Soon, Al-Mansourah Hospital will be inaugurated after the required preparations are completed. A Health Center, equipped with all administrating and technical requirements with a qualified medical team at Al-Gaherah region was opened last week, where more than 20 thousand citizens would be able to benefit from.
The difficulties facing the province
“Any work must face difficulties”, said the Director. However, he summarized the difficulties facing the province in the following:
– Shortage in administrative capabilities, offices and machines.
– The homes built long time ago and are currently inhabited, which require gradual process for their removal.
– The uncompleted infrastructures of the executive apparatuses of ministries and the unstructured of some others according to the law of the local authority and executive regulations. Some offices such as electricity, water and sanitation are still working according to the previous administration division, inconsistent with new administration division.