Exemplary Activity at Hadda Taekwondo Center: Five Players Gain WTF Black Belt [Archives:1998/45/Sports]

November 9 1998

The Hadda Taekwondo Center is considered one of a few sports establishments that have achieved major successes. It has strong ties with the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). All this thanks to the immense efforts made by the Yemeni international coach and referee, Mr. Kamal Owaidh Omar. He started coaching taekwondo players in 1987, and opened the Sanaa Taekwondo Center – first of its kind in this country – in 1989. 
In 1995, Omar established the Hadda Taekwondo Center at the Hadda Residential City. He took part in several Arab, Asian and international championships, and is now training to gain the Black Belt – 6 Dan. 

Kamal Owaidh Omar’s great efforts and continuous training have come to fruition. Five Yemeni taekwondo players have each gained the Black Belt – 1 Dan. They have recently received their certificates endorsed by WTF. 
Thus the Hadda Taekwondo Center has become the first private sports establishment to develop this game in Yemen with an eye for international participation. 
Yemen Times visited the center to report its activities and congratulate the five lucky players. 
Kamal Owaidh Omar, international coach and referee (5 Dan): 
The main reason behind the success of these five players is hard work, determination and discipline. They have great ambitions to achieve international recognition. 
As their coach and mentor, I’m very proud with what they have been able to do. Hopefully, this achievement will be the first step. I’m sure there will be more players following suit. 
Hany Abdu Mosleh Shaalan, Black Belt – 1 Dan: 
I’m very happy to have gained the Black Belt – 1 Dan. This will make me aspire for greater achievements in the future. With perseverance and continuous training, I’m sure I’ll do a lot. More black belts, hopefully. 
Ammar Mohammed Hussain, Black Belt – 1 Dan: 
Gaining the Black Belt – 1 Dan was the result of excellent coaching by our international referee and coach, Kamal Owaidh. I feel that the WTF certificate I got has officially pronounced Yemeni youth as being more than capable of winning international acclaim. But there must first be adequate facilities, funds and, above all, determination. 
Ahmed Mohammed Al-Jahdari, Black Belt – 1 Dan: 
After winning the Black Belt, I hope to continue my taekwondo training with Mr. Kamal Owaidh. The number of young Yemeni men interested in this sport is gradually increasing. If this center continues at the same excellent level, more Yemeni sportspeople will become champs in the future. 
Nabil Abdullah Al-Motawakil, Black Belt – 1 Dan: 
I’m very proud to get the much coveted Black Belt. This is the outcome of years of training and determination. Excellent coaching has been given the seal of approval by the World Taekwondo Federation. Yemeni youths are not less able than their peers in other countries, despite the hard economic circumstances we’re going through. 
Mohammed Ahmed Al-Mashdali, Black Belt – 1 Dan: 
The frustrations that face a Yemeni youth are many, in terms of funds and facilities. It has become difficult for a sportsman to train and develop himself. 
I felt very happy when I got the Black Belt – 1 Dan. I felt that I have overcome many obstacles. I hope to achieve more in the future. 
Yemen Times congratulates these young Yemeni champions and praises the efforts made by people at the Hadda Taekwondo Center. Although being a private establishment, the Hadda Center does not only aim to make profit, but also to bring about international sport renown for this country. If the private sector invests in sports activities, a lot can be achieved and sports can be all the better for it.