More than the Salt Industry IS AT STAKE! [Archives:1999/14/Business & Economy]

April 5 1999

There is no doubt that the salt industry is the oldest one in Aden. As the English saying goes “Old is Gild”, so we can reflect and even cherish the Adeni salt production. 
How many of us know the history of this industry started in 1886? How many of us know it is still functioning more than a century later. 
A quick review of the story, will show the following: 
* Halian Company started salt production in Aden in March, 1886. 
* In 1908, the Indian-Adeni Company was established in Khormaksar. 
* In 1923, the Union Company for Salting Industry, Ltd. was established in the Caltex area. 
* In the same year (1923), the Persian Co. for Salt was established in Little Aden. 
* In 1970, a republican decree (No.II/1970) was issued to establish the public salt organization in Aden. It also called for cooperation with the Chinese Government to renew the equipment and production methodologies. Thus, salt production capacity was raised upto 120-150 thousand tons. 
Now, how much revenue does this organization generate for the state treasury? 
The data for the last 3 years show that net state revenue has been YR 17 million in 1996, YR 24 million in 1997, and YR 169 million in 1998. The same data, show that total salt output from the Aden vicinity was 58,000 tons in 1996, 68,000 tons in 1997, and 80,000 tons in 1998. 
From the above data, we can judge that this industry is not a failure. Besides, the product is an essential one. This goods come from sea water, which yields the salt when exposed to sun heat, both are free of charge. They are God’s gifts. 
This introduction was necessary to understand what I am going to talk about here. Now how can we understand that some wise leaders have decided to expose this business to lots of danger. 
Because that is exactly what happened. 
In a swift action based on magic signatures, somebody built two gas stations in the area. One of them is exactly beside the salt basin, and the second one is near to salt production area. 
There are environmental considerations, because this new gas business will bring pollution. Many people, including the sea will be in harm’s way. But that is not important to some people. What they will generate in terms of profits is most important. 
I am sure there are many who have already written about this pending disaster. Two documents especially interested me. These were from the Environment Protection Council – Aden Branch, and The Green Yemen Society. Both have elaborated the dangers of these gas stations. 
So what do we suggest in this concern? 
I suggest we should strongly consider the safety and environmental factors. 
By: Iskander Yousuf 
