April 26 1999

The Nasserite Unionist Party (NUP) is the only political party in the Republic of Yemen that has repeatedly achieved a peaceful transfer of power. Through rank and file elections consummated in a general convention, the party has achieved what others have failed to do – hold elections with no pre-determined results.
Of course, other political parties hold elections, but the controlling person/group in the party always directs the results. The top people exercise control over the process. But not in the NUP.
The NUP General Convention was held during the 18-21 April, 1999. It was a slaughterhouse, reminiscent of Western party conventions. No body had control over the outcome ad the big boys of the party went through a lot of agonizing moments. The results were also startling. New comers represent over 40% of the Central Committee, and there are new people at the top echelons. Read more on page 12