Hopes, ambitions, and motivations among Yemenis rise as the cornerstone of Aden Free Zone was formally opened by the President on Saturday ADEN: LEADING THE WAY TO THE NEW MILLENNIUM [Archives:1999/37/Front Page]

September 13 1999

ADEN: Last Saturday marked a historical day for Yemen. It was the official opening of the Container Terminal in the Free Zone. Officially opened by President Saleh, the Container Terminal of the Free Zone started receiving the ships from the rest of the world. Indeed, the whole world is slowly realizing the dimensions of the Free Zone being built in Aden. The seriousness and alertness in the mind of many businessmen had reached a maximum level, which made them act quickly, by thinking of possible ways to invest in this promising port. They understood that Aden will indeed, within a few years become the most active commercial port in the Middle East. 
Investors are now bidding that Aden will be among the 10 most significant ports in the world within the coming decades. The issue is very serious, and it extends to believing that the other gulf ports are threatened by competition more than ever before. We are today witnessing the birth of a project that will have a very strong effect on Yemen’s economy, as well as its rank in the Arabian Peninsula. The issue has become the subject of talk among the most influential investors in the world. They see the future in Aden’s port. With its local labor and modern infrastructure that could compete with the older structures in the neighboring countries, the Aden Free Zone will definitely be Yemen’s winning card in the next millennium. 
The project is a huge one, which will be completed in the year 2022. However, by then, the port would have reached its most spectacular growth in terms of trade and investment. The port will not only be beneficial for its investors and traders, but it also become an important element in the modernization efforts of Yemen. To realize what we are talking about, we quote Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, the well known economist saying, “Through this port, Yemen will not only be able to level off with the Gulf countries, but it will even surpass them.” Only time will tell how true his statement was. More on Report page. 
