German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development in Sanaa [Archives:2000/05/Front Page]

January 31 2000

German Minister of Economic Co-operation and Development, Ms. Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul accompanied with a delegation of high-ranking representatives of several German development organizations arrived in Sana’a yesterday. 
During her visit, Ms. Wieczorek-Zeul will meet with her counterpart, Minister of Planning and Development, Mr. Ahmad Sufan and Prime Minister, Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Iryani and will call upon the President Ali Abdullah Saleh to discuss matters of mutual interest in the development field between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Yemen. Furthermore, the delegation will visit Yemeni-German projects in Taiz, Ibb, Djibla and Aden. 
On another level Ms. Wieczorek-Zeul held a press conference on the outcome of the visit in the Sana’a Sheraton Hotel yesterday. 
In the press conference held at Sheraton Hotel yesterday afternoon, the German Minister told the German cooperation is a continuation to the work that started in the past where the focus was on the developmental projects like water, education, society development. She said that Germany gives annually around 50 million mark in addition to the other aid that comes though the World Bank. She also told the press that Germany will do its best in cooperation with other international organizations to help the developing countries including Yemen. 
Mr. Ahmad Sofan, Minister of Planning and Development appreciated the Germany aid to Yemen which started in 1969 with the construction of the Sanaa Airport and Sanaa-Taiz Highway. 
Talking about German potential investment in Yemen, the German Minister said that the government can not force the German companies to invest in Yemen but they will their best to encourage them to come to Yemen and invest particularly in the field of water provided that they should be given insurance. The German Minster also pointed out that she went to the Yemeni parliament and met with the blocs representatives adding that Germany supports the questions of human rights, democracy, local councils, etc.. 
She finally said that she brought with a gift to Yemen; it is a medical aid estimated at 50,000 Mark to relieve the sufferings of the people of Soqatra.