The Competition is Over..  Now it is Time to Celebrate [Archives:2000/09/Local News]

February 28 2000

Tremendous success for Yemen Times
Without doubt, the Millennium Competition of Yemen Times has been of great success to the newspaper, to the sponsors, and to the printed press in general. The competition attracted tens of thousands of readers, and gained popularity that exceeded borders. We even received coupons from neighboring countries as well.
As one says it, “You were able to do what the whole government couldn’t, as no competition on TV, on radio, or even on printed governmental newspaper was able to achieve what you achieved. You have the most valuable first prize in this season.”
Sponsors more than Satisfied
What the sponsors have said about the competition was astonishing. Look at the SAMSON company for example. After their sponsoring of the competition, they had their highest sales ever in Mango Kaha juices.
Look at the Artex company in Sanaa. They have been receiving calls from thousands of readers to know the answer. Their products are know among the most known brands in the country. The same applies for Ba Marouf Suzuki, United Insurance, and all the other companies. They have gained a lot of popularity in such a short time and hence, boosted their business at the start of the new millennium. After the other companies heard about the success of the competition. They regretted not participating in the competition, in the illusion that they would waste their money like they did in other similar campaigns. They did not realize that Yemen Times is different and unique. Today, we have confirmed over 10 companies to participate in the next year’s competition.
An Honest Draw
The honesty and fairness in the draw of the competition had added more credibility to the clean and shiny record of Yemen Times. Despite the lost credibility in some competition organizers, today Yemen Times reached an extremely high level of credibility that encouraged many new advertisers and sponsors to get in touch with Yemen Times to future cooperation.
Time to Celebrate
With the great achievement accomplished in the last few months, We in Yemen Times decided to hand the awards of the competition in front of the guests that would be attending the Yemen Times 9th anniversary at the Taj Sheba Hotel on the 28th of February. It is time to show the whole country that Yemen Times is rising strong despite the death of its founder. It has proven that it is founded to stay!

The YR 1,000,000 winner in the Millennium Competition:

“I participated by chance, and couldn’t believe I won!”
Salem Mohamed Salem Kuraif is the winner of the first prize (YR 1,000,000) of the grand millennium competition organized by Yemen Times. Salem is from Shabwa governorate, Habban region. He is 36 years old and is currently working at the Mihdar Company for Medical Equipment and Medicine in Sanaa. He graduated from the Languages Institute in Riyadh – Saudi Arabia, which he lived in until 1991.
After announcing the winners of the competition, we called Salem at home to tell him the good news. However, we couldn’t find him so we left a note saying that he had won the first prize. The next day he came to the Yemen Times premises and met the Editor-in-Chief.
On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of Yemen Times, we asked Salem to write us a short article expressing his feelings in that particular moment when he learned about his win, and tell us about the bond that was generated between him and Yemen Times.
Salem’s statement on P 14
