Friendship Bridge Inaugurated [Archives:2000/16/Front Page]

April 17 2000

On Thursday, April 13, the Friendship Bridge was inaugurated nation by President Saleh, in the presence of several government officials.
The bridge, located in the crossroads of Zubairi and Abdulmoghni streets, is expected to reduce the crowded traffic at the crossroads.
The Bridge, covering an area of 1 sq km, is the first of its kind in Yemen. It will enable 4 cars to pass at the same time, 2 from each direction. The Chinese government presented the bridge, which was built at cost of more than 50 million Chinese Yen, and gifted to Yemen as a symbol of friendship and cooperation. The ones that would be quite relieved by the successful completion of the bridge would be Taj Sheba Hotel, as they have been waiting for the construction to complete for so long.