YSP to Dissolve [Archives:2000/51/Front Page]

December 18 2000

The Committee for Parties Affairs has recently pointed to possible dissolution of the Yemeni Socialist Party (YSP) following announcement of the new list of members of the Central Committee which included elements accused of great treachery. Sources from the opposition parties looked upon the implications of the Committee as provocative indicating that the election of the YSP held last August was an internal affair that the Committee had nothing to do with.
The same sources felt doubtful about the timing of committees decision pointing out that the aim might be hindering the party from participating in the upcoming elections and referendum. A leading person in the YSP described with regret the position of the Committee as undemocratic.
Political sources viewed the committees position as a reaction to the report the Al-Thawri, mouthpiece of the YSP, published about the USS Cole incident in which it pointed fingers at some high ranking military officers as involved in the incident.
Law men considered the move as unconstitutional and interference in the internal affairs of parties.
