OPHTHALMIC EDUCATION (20) Aging Changes of the Eye [Archives:2000/51/Health]

December 18 2000

Mahfouth A Bamashmus
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Ibn-Al-Haitham Clinic
University of Science & Technology, Sanaa
As we get older there are changes happening in every part of our body including our eyes. Many eye diseases are related to age and fortunately with advanced technology many eye diseases can be treated easily and safely. Routine eye exam is very important especially after the age of 40 years. Many eye diseases can be treated or even prevented if they are diagnosed early.

Here are some eye diseases related to aging:
1. Reading Problems: the lens in our eye has the ability to change its shape to let us see the distance and the near. As we get older the lens looses its elasticity and ability to change its shape and this leads to difficulty in reading and people tend to push the book or newspaper further away to be able to read. This is normal aging changes and it is treated with simple reading glasses. Visit your eye doctor and get a new pair of reading glasses and keep enjoying the habit of reading.

2. Floaters (Flying Spots): some people who are above the age of 40 years complain of some spots in front of their vision. The shapes range from fly-like or spider-like spots that move with every eye movement to different directions. These are benign things and are due to aging changes in the vitreous of the eye which is the jelly like material that fills the eye. If you develop these spots it is better to see your eye doctor and to be sure that everything is okay.

3.Cataract (Lens Opacities): cataract develops when the lens inside the eye gets opaque. It is usually related to aging and causes progressive loss of vision. In its early stages the patients need only to change their glasses but as it advances surgery is the best treatment. The right treatment is removing the cataract and an intraocular lens implantation and it is a very successful operation especially with recent technology including the phacoemulsification technique, which is removing the cataract using ultrasonography and putting a lens through a small incision.

4. Glaucoma (Increased intraocular pressure): glaucoma affects two percent of all those above the age of 40 years. Unfortunately glaucoma is a blinding disease and the earlier it is diagnosed the better it can be controlled. Treatment is very simple in its early stages and becomes more complicated as the disease progresses. The disease has no symptoms and it is only diagnosed by routine eye test. You need to visit your eye doctor regularly if you have a member of your family with this disease.

5. Diabetic Changes of the Eye: diabetes mellitus (sugar in the blood) is a disease that can cause many eye problems. The most serious one is changes in the retina which is the film of the eye. Unfortunately diabetic changes in the eye are one of the main causes of blindness in Yemen. Routine eye test for every diabetic patient is mandatory to diagnose the changes inside the eye. The earlier the changes are discovered the easier it is treated especially with the new technology of LASER.

Routine eye exam by an eye specialist is very important.
It is your sight and your eyes need every care they deserve.

Reference: PAACO educational leaflets, Cairo
