Taiz by Night [Archives:2000/51/Reportage]

December 18 2000

Tawfeek al-Sharaabi
Yemen Times
Taiz, nowhere compares to any glittering skyline of a cosmopolitan city in any country, has a special charm of its own. Despite the blackouts and shortage of electricity from time to time, Taiz spreads its spell over the whole atmosphere. Even if electricity is out, the charm of darkness, flicker of candles and cars headlights are sure to charm any ones mind. Its small size, crowded buildings, small streets and lanes make it something between a city and a countryside. You could see a mixture of modern as well as ancient buildings. It is actually a place where the present as well as the past have wonderfully mixed together to form a unique environment.
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When electricity is out, many people find it a chance to have a trip out. Some go out to stay at cafes and keep staring at people walking up and down streets. Many others prefer walking which is a popular hobby. It is really fascinating to spend some time walking out at night. The atmosphere keeps you spellbound and you feel as if you are in another town. Night time in Taiz is far more different in its complexion than the day time. For all that dusty and hot hours disappear and are replaced by a heavenly quietness and stillness. The peoples number becomes fewer at night than during daytime. Moreover, Yemenis are not nocturnal people and the cities of Yemen, in general, sleep early. The stillness and quietness that one feels at night bestows on Taiz a holy atmosphere that could attract and captivate anyone. But it is a pity that only few people and families are aware of such superabundant harmony and poise.
Taiz is also distinguished for its strategic location. It is situated in the northern slopes of a very high, skyward, and well known mountain called Saber Mountain with an altitude of 3070 meters. Saber Mountain by itself is a wonder, as it embraces the city in its arms. Many springs and streams run on its sides and that lend a heavenly beauty to the villages located at cliffs. Until recently you could only see darkness, if you looked at the villages at night. However, the situation has nowadays considerably changed consequent
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upon an amazing street that has been paved from Taiz to the top of the mountain. Most of the villages have also been provided with electricity. Seeing all this at night, you can not help but wonder at the captivating and beauty of the whole scenario. Some people go up this majestic mountain to enjoy an unprecedented spectacular view. From the top of the mountain, the whole city and the buildings seem as nothing but small spots of light and dark that glitter invitingly. Saber Mountain has all the potential to be exploited as a fascinating tourist resort. Unfortunately, no infrastructural facilities have so far been provided. The families on a visit to the spot find it difficult to find a proper place to stay peacefully and enjoy themselves there. The only park that exists there is Shiekh Zaids National Park which has not been opened yet.
It is amazing that investors have not yet opened their eyes to these enormous business opportunities that the place offers which if properly exploited can generate fabulous revenues. We do cherish the hope that the people in change will take this on board to do something, wont they? I love imagining that they would!!
