A Successful Operation on an 8-day-old Baby in Aden [Archives:2001/02/Last Page]

January 8 2001

In the Jumhuria Hospital of Aden, Specialized Consultant Doctor, Abdulhameed Ali bin Ali Shukri successfully carried out a historic operation on an 8-day-old Yemeni baby boy. The operations objective was to split and remove a huge tumor suspending through a hole in the skull and containing brain liquid and Encephalcele components. Little Hameed Taleb Mohamed suffered for eight days from the tumor, which was larger in size than the head, and which was attached to the skull of the baby since birth.
Yemen Times was there in the operating room during the delicate process of removing the tumor from the skull, and witnessed the happy ending of the successful operation and the waking up of the baby happy and healthy afterwards.
A few days after the day of operation, Yemen Times met Dr. Abdulhameed who said with a smile, Thanks to God, we are delighted that the operation was successful. This type of operations has a success rate of 76% averaged throughout the world. The operation was carried out with the participation of Dr. Noshad Sraryu, and we are happy to tell you that the baby is steadily improving since the operation. I continue to monitor the case of the baby up close and make sure there are no complications or deviation in the nervous system after the operation.
This medical operation is only second to a similar operation carried out by completely Yemeni medical team, which was able to perform the operation in Aden Hospital more than a year ago.
On another level, Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Othman, a consultant doctor specialized in operating on the brain and nervous system added to the earlier remarks of Dr. Abdulhameed, We thank God for the great success of the operation, which indicates that we indeed have qualified Yemeni doctors who can rise to the occasion and successfully operate such difficult cases. There are many Yemeni doctors with high skills and knowledge and have the potential to rank high in the world only if they were given a little more encouragement and support from the government. I do however thank Yemen Times for its noble role in following up our successful operation, hoping that it would continue to do so in the future, and would serve as an example for other newspapers to follow.
Finally, the joyful father of the baby, Taleb Mohamed said, said I thank all the doctors who participated in the operation, as they have done their utmost to ensure the safety of my son. I also believe that my son wouldnt have stayed alive if it was not for Gods mercy first and the great efforts of the doctors second. I call upon the government to honor those doctors for their noble roles and distinguished efforts.
Yemen Times
