Local Councils in The Eyes of People: Water, Employment, Public Services, local Resources Development and Comprehensive Development Plan [Archives:2001/03/Business & Economy]

January 15 2001

Mahyoob al-Kamali
Local Councils elections due on February 20, 2001 have held the attention of people because elections are a political step that expands the circle of decision making, and addresses social, economic and development issues. This will give the people a chance to have a more active role in handling many of their issues, preparing plans in line with the basic needs of areas and away from the bureaucratic grip of the centralized authority. Local councils by themselves, can do a great deal to curb the gap of living differences between citizens in towns and the countryside.
Local communities development was the vicious circle of the economic reform program that the Yemeni government has embarked upon since 1995. It is so because the program objectives were restricted to reform the structural imbalance without having an active public support. Therefore, people assume that having elected authorities in local councils in governorates and districts will give them a better stand to address some of their problems and relieve the burden on the centralized authorities. Local councils will give the people a chance to depend on resources of their areas to establish development projects.
Law No (4) for the year 2000 asserts the peoples right to field themselves as candidates for local councils. It also gives them the right to choose whoever they see qualified and competent for these councils membership. The main point here is, What do Yemenis want from these elections? and Do the people have the general awareness about the importance of establishing the administrative decentralization system? and To what extent can people react actively to whatever happens in the national arena?
So as to obtain a real picture of what is actually happening, YT met with a number of persons from different sections of the society to elicit their views. Ibrahim Mohammed Ali al-Matari, a student, said Local council elections mean setting up a wide-ranging public authority that has the right of presenting proposals of programs and plans for local development. They can also monitor implementation of projects being endorsed. This will increase transparency as people can hold those elected to these councils accountable according to the law in case any violations are reported.
He added Developing local communities, particularly in rural and remote areas could be a reality if local resources are developed, national cooperation initiatives encouraged, scientific social, cultural and economic studies are conducted by people forming these communities.
According to him those casting their votes should critically examine candidates programs, which reveal the overall framework of their activities and the way they can address issues of major interest to the public, such as poverty and unemployment, which reached a shocking rate estimated at 50% of the labor force.
Voters should also take note of the fact that there are many problems in governorates and districts. In particular, the ones related to water crisis, which has become a headache gripping many countries of the world, besides Yemen. Had there been thorough and careful studies making use of private capitals in the field of constructing dams and water basins, the problem would undoubtedly have been curbed. Many unemployed people would also find job opportunities. That will create the environment for many public investment and development projects.
Services Improvement & Planning for Economic Problems:
Engineer Mohammed Abdullah Hassan opines that the ensuing local elections means a lot for the people. He said They give them the chance to shape their future, sharing in the decision making process. Local elections will help a lot in terms of identifying the problems, whether economic, social, productive or developing, facing the community in whatever areas and then the elected people can shoulder the responsibility of making plans to solve these problems.
Candidates are to consider conditions of areas they represent in their programs. They should acknowledge that certain priorities are to be given precedence over other issues of interest and concern to the people.
Full Fledged Democracy for Overall Development:
Despite the fact that some opposition parties headed by the YSP and PNUP are standing against some articles of the Local Council Law and though they announced their willingness to take part in these elections, these parties still demand a full fledged overall democracy so as to fully achieve all the objectives of development. The main point set off by the opposition is that the law does not provide for electing governors and district directors. It also does not state clearly how local resources should be handled and fairly distributed.
Rural Development, Unanimously Considered Important:
Opposition parties and the people are unanimous about the idea that elected local councils have to pay a due attention to rural areas in terms of establishing public services, and development projects so as to achieve a complete rural development. They will also ensue programs to boost agricultural productivity. Efforts should also be made to support growth of animal wealth.
Facing Social Development Problems:
Mulatef al-Hamzi spoke of social development and problems and said Local Councils elections will encourage the establishment of agricultural cooperation societies, investing the private sector capitals better and in a more expanded circle. The existing agricultural societies are only restricted to produce some fruits, vegetables and animal wealth. Planting products such as coffee and cotton should be supported. This requires more flexible and smooth mechanisms on the part of banks and the authorities concerned to deal with farmers and investors and help them face obstacles such as irrigation problems. If these situations are eased, there will be turning points in agricultural and animal production. We will have a surplus that can be exported to foreign markets.
He added by saying The existence of an elected public authority in governorates and districts will push councils members forward to solve many of the negative social phenomena such as revenge problems considerably impeding social development and hinder full participate in the economic development process in this country.
Amin al-Kuhali said Local elections in themselves are good and can do a lot if they go by the book. However, it is saddening to say that candidates agenda or manifesto wont be the basis for the people casting their ballots due to high illiteracy rate rampant among the people, especially in rural areas where it exceeds 70%. This high percentage shows the political parties falling short of reaching the people, making them wary of their ambitions and convincing them of their programs of action. Therefore, candidates should pull all the resources to give a detailed account in their manifesto of mechanisms for solving problems of major concern to the people. We have become fed up with slogans. We need real studied polices and plans that are translated into actions. Actions speak louder than words.
In fact, the illiteracy issue is a major concern to so many observers and interested people as it seriously affects the election process. It also will affect the way problems of these communities are addressed and tackled.
Local Councils Economic and Development Roles:
The law has envisaged the authority and duties of local councils in terms of suggesting plans, projects, annual budget, conducting surveys to demonstrate priorities of development, discussing the level of local and mutual revenues collection, endorsing civil plans projects, encouraging setting up cooperation societies, backing up tourism, encouraging people to help set up and maintaining services projects and developing the marine resources.
As for financial resources of the administrative units, the law has defined different resources, the most important of which is local resources; 50% from Zakah, ads fees and taxes fees on tickets, building licenses, shops licenses, municipality fees, real estate registry, transportation, etc.
General Resources:
The Law has also envisaged general resources to be utilized for the benefit of local Funds development, the most important of which is imposing fees on sea and air travel tickets, on diesel and oil stations. 30% duty on maintaining Roads Fund and another annual 30% on Youths Care Fund, besides the governmental support defined for these funds in the state budget.
Finally. it is to be asserted that there is growing awareness on the part of the people about the importance of administrative discentralization system in terms of setting up elected local councils. Although, the opposition parties object to some articles of the local councils law, more than 20 parties are going to participate in the upcoming elections.
