Why do Some Newspapers Stop in Holidays [Archives:2001/04/Focus]

January 22 2001

Imad Al-Saqqaf
YemenTimes- Taiz
An extremely terrible, yet existing characteristic of ours in Yemen is that we hate to work. We have the two-day holiday every weekend for us to do all that we want, so that in the working days of the week we perform our duties right. However, being in a country in which time has no importance reflects badly in everyday work causing us to lag behind in every aspect there is.
Ramadan in itself, in Yemen, is an unjustified excuse to laze around and relax. Even before it starts the Ramadan-atmosphere is spread all around and the tendency to postpone work for later becomes so evident that it is alarming. This tendency lasts for one or two weeks even after the month is over. However, it is a well known fact that in this very month, during the peak of Islam many historic victories and events took place.
Its not only about the people. Even on the government level the high courts are closed during the month, Parliamentary activities are stopped and so on.
Even newspapers are stopped! This is the worst situation that could happen. How can the reader rely on a magazine or newspaper if it is not regular? We have papers which are meant to be weeklies but are published monthly, half monthly papers are often published every two months. Sometimes daily papers are only published once in 10 days. Does anyone ask Why? Al-Thaqafiya, Al-Hikma, Al-Thaqafa Al-Bareed..etc. magazines stop for longer durations and then suddenly reappear?
What is the matter with our media? Does the brain take a break during holidays as well? Dont people want to be informed about anything during holidays? Or is it a kind of hibernation that isolates one from all that is going on in the world?
Such incidents attract attention to those media instruments which did not stop during holidays. The television, the Radio, the Al- Thowra Daily newspaper, Alayam (which just stopped one of its 3 issues during Eid holiday), are just examples of these. And not to forget the Yemen Times which, in spite of the tragic event that occurred during that time , did not stop publishing and came out on time.
Those men and women who work during holidays while others are loitering in laziness are worth a note of thankfulness. Those are the ones who realize the value of time, and what it means to be committed to a job. They understand what the responsibility of a newspaper is.

By: Mohamed Qadri
