World From Above [Archives:2001/04/Last Page]

January 22 2001

The picture above of the world was taken on the 27th of November 2000 by a number of NASA Satellites. It shows all the inhabited and uninhabited regions of the world.
The amount of light seen represents the development or underdevelopment of the region. Where there is light there is an indication of civilization and modernization.
The world is brightly lit up in the three main developed areas: North-America, Western Europe and Japan while the south is mostly in darkness (except for more developed areas such as Australia, South Africa and Brazil). The amazing fact about south and north shows in almost all the world, while the difference between North and South Korea is quite interesting. Its not only about countries, the difference is great between north and the south in all the continents like Africa or Latin America. But you must not forget the natural boundaries too, like the Sahara and the rain forests. A thought that many of the regions of the globe are unsuitable for mankinds civilization.
Its interesting how the population of China is so unevenly distributed, on the other hand how Indias population is even. It also is interesting to observe how 25% of the 6 billion people in the world live along the coastlines, except for a few important but neglected coast lines like the Aden Gulf area and the west side of the red sea.
There are other physical features, but its interesting how the river Nile literally glows, and how dark it is around it, plus the great darkness in the heart of Africa.
If we concentrate on Yemen, we can see a small glow in the south coastal area. With a few drops of light in the North. This picture was taken some time before
activation of the Aden Free Zone Area, a project which is worth USD. 6 billion. How many years do we have to wait before another one of these satellite picture will
show more light in our country?
Well these are just some of the things you can get out of this picture. And some food for the thought. Hopefully the message will get through.
