First Regional Forum of Rasael al-Noor Held in Taiz [Archives:2001/04/Reportage]

January 22 2001

Under the patronage of Mr. Ahmad Abdullah al-Hijri, governor of Taiz the al-Said Science and Culture Establishment of Taiz hosted the First Regional Rasael al-Noor Forum last Thursday 11.1.2001. The Rasael al-Noor are a collection of nine books written in Turkey by Imam Saeed al-Noorsi (1873-1960) who was considered to be one of the most outstanding scholars of the 20th century. In his books, he dealt with the enormously aggressive campaigns and lies set forth by many European philosophers. Dedicating his life for science and knowledge, he stood against communism through the letters he wrote to refute all the false allegations launched against the Islamic authority. His books have been translated into more than 30 different languages and many people from all over the world converted to Islam because of his informative books. The forum represents the globalization of Islam and al-Noorsis point of view for getting all Islamic movements together under the umbrella of Islam.
The forum was considered to be the first of its kind in the Arab peninsula and was attended by guests from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Japan and other countries.
Saeed al-Noorsi did everything in his power to stress the importance of ensuring security within societies and said that force should not be applied within them. Rather it should be used against foreign aggression and enemies. He takes the view that ignorance, poverty and hypocrisy are our main enemies and we should struggle against them in terms of applying knowledge and industrial means and by rallying together around our religion. He asserts that every Muslim has to take part in preaching for God.
He called for altruism and also for labor, as God rewards those who work with wealth while laziness breeds misery. He also asserted the importance of teaching other sciences in religious schools and teaching religious subjects and sciences in modern schools. He said If we apply Islam in all the affairs of our life, many people from all over the world will convert to Islam. Besides, preaching for Islam should be by word and not by weapons.
He was also one of those who did not exploit religion for political ends and calls for this idea to be followed. He was also against those who used politics against religion.
In his welcoming speech, Mr. Ahmad Hayel Saeed, Vice Chairman of the al-Saeed Science and Culture Establishment, asserted that the world today has made it necessary for people to acquire and learn modern sciences and high moral values. He said that our nation has to mobilize its resources so as to achieve a comprehensive revival of our civilization.
In his speech, the general coordinator of Rasael al-Noor in Yemen, Mr. Najeeb Mahfood al-Kershi said, The great scholar al-Noorsi is a diligent scholar. He has read, learnt, kept by heart eighty well-known Islamic sciences books. He was the first to call for the establishment of the Shoora Council for jurisprudence. He was also the one who called for setting up al-Zahraa Islamic University during the Othman Caliphate. His letters are considered to be one of the modern miracles of the Holy Quraan. He was as great as al-Jailani, bin Hanbal, Hassan al-Banaa and Said Qutb.
Imam al-Noorsi noted six diseases plaguing the Islamic nation. They are as follows:
1) Frustration and despair.
2) Waning honesty among people.
3) Love for enmity
4) Ignoring the rallying ability of Islamic spiritual bonds
5) Uncontrolled aggression
6) Prevalence of self interest at the expense of public interest.
Scientific quotations concerning al-Noorsi were also noted in the forum. For example, Prof. Abdulrahim al-Saeh, Legislative and Islamic Studies, Mekkah, said He who reads Rasael al-Noor finds that dialogues are to be conducted within man himself, between man and another man, and between civilizations.
Dr. Thomas Mysheil, Jesuit secretary for dialogue among religions in Rome, said Saeed al-Noorsi was a great thinker who tried to settle the point of dialogue between Muslims and Christians.
The Moroccan expert in Islamic literature, Dr. Hassan al-Amrani, sees that al-Noori has indicated 40 aspects of the miraculous nature of the holy Quraan.
Dr. Abdul Muti al-Baiumi, chief editor of Manber al-Islam, sees that al-Noorsi established his philosophy on the three dimensions that are the main core of the desired revival in Islamic life. They are as follows:
1) restoring faith
2) reviving the Islamic rituals
3) Setting up Islamic shariah law
Dr. Adam Tatili from Turkey said that the Rasael al-Noor collection is a social university open for all sections of society.
Mrs. Athraa Qassamo, a researcher from Bosnia Herzegovina, put forward a proposal to teach some of al-Noorsis books to Muslims in her country as they will help Muslims to enhance their faith in God.
The forum was attended by a good number of scholars and scientists including Prof. Abed al-Hashimi, sheikh Abu Bakr al-Mashhoor, sheikh Mohammed Yahya al-Jonaid, Mr. Abdulmalek al-Shaibani, Mr. Abdulfatah Jamal, Mr. Tawheeb al-Dobaee and Mr. Jamal al-Razi.
Guests from Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Japan were also honored.
