Revolutions not portrayed accurately Yemen’s history needs a re-write [Archives:2002/43/Focus]

October 21 2002

Decades after Yemen’s two biggest revolutions – September 26 and October 14 – their true facts remain vague.
Why do the historians and writers claim that they are just and right in everything they record? At the same time, they intentionally marginalize others’ leading roles in these two revolutions.
It is crystal clear that facts and history has been written and recorded at their discretion. What has been written are mere overstatements that are lovely memories of their own.
I think that what has been recorded or written for the sake of the two revolutions, including facts called up for the holding of festivals or symposiums, are actually unfair. Those who have made a tremendous success have been completely forgotten and slipped from their memories whether they are dead or alive.
Undoubtedly, there are some revolutionary figures who lead the revolution. They are either marginalized or live far away from cities. We see them only expressing their grief or that they might despise today’s claimants of history.
What is needed is to rewrite and document the history of the two revolutions and show their scrupulous adherence to their duty. There are some people who write the history just for the sake of their self-interests in order to show their lavish praise for that they have made something great.
In truth, there are reactionists who opposed the 26 September revolution and 14 October revolution and fought tooth and nail for about seven years, causing the death toll to rise to thousands.
At present, we see them, as it they were true revolutionary figures talking of the developmental projects for their people while in reality they are nothing.
Documenting Yemeni history needs strenuous efforts that should be made by specialized chroniclers and historians who have not poked their noses into political disturbances. They have to write and record honestly, objectively and impartially.
We in this case don’t refer to some historians who spare no efforts to document or write the history of Yemen. But, what I want to suggest is that these efforts are insufficient and nothing about the two revolutions has been disclosed.
There are of some true Yemeni strugglers who offer their sacrifice up for the sake of this cause. Their deeds have been totally forgotten.
Recording Yemeni history means recording particular incidents that took place in a specific time and they are in need to be fairly recorded, negatively or positively.
We are looking to see the media perform its leading role in a proper manner to stabilize the Yemeni revolution from a documentary point of view. There is everything they can depend on in order to write about the Yemeni revolution, including, historians, documentary films, memorabilia. So, why don’t we use these references?
What is required in order to write the Yemeni revolution are true-blue writers and men-of-letters to shoulder the responsibility in recording the history.
We call those who document and record Yemeni history to participate again to restore the truth.
Much of Yemeni history is still unknown, and in need of searching and reshaping as it is supposed to be.
