Vote at Yemen school website is looking for win [Archives:2002/52/Local News]

December 23 2002

A team from Yemen is in the hunt for first-place in a Pan-Arab website competition that runs until Dec. 27.
The competition for the best Arab school website, run by Abu Dhabi satellite TV station, started few weeks ago.
Administrators of Mohamed Ali Othman School in Taiz are calling on all Yemenis to vote for its site.
“The site is publicity about the whole of Yemen and the ability of its people to innovate” says Mohamoud Daen the website administrator.
The site, which is run by a team of alumni and current students from the school, is currently second in the poll and is facing tough competition from two other websites.
The website is the brain child of MAO alumni students. It is designed to forge a better understanding of the school and also to act as a bridge to the worldwide community as a whole.
It will also serve as a reunion center of sorts for its alumni, many of whom now live in different parts of the world.
The website is owned and operated by students and alumni of MAO only.
The competing schools come from Yemen, UAE, Egypt, and Lebanon.
Each are competing for the name of the best school website.
The MAO site,, apart from being the first ever website for a Yemeni school, is well differentiated and has set itself as a special school website. Though it contains the normal facts and information that every school website have, it positions itself as a portal for forming perspectives on Pan-Arab and Pan-Islamic trends.
The site posts important trends in Yemen, the Arab world, and the Islamic world and encourages visitors to post comments and to discuss the topics posted. It also has a dedicated discussion board in which several topics are posted for continual discussion.
Visitors can also benefit from the latest feature of the school, the College Placement Service. This service is intended to help students looking for placements at institutions for higher education in the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany: placements at affordable and accredited universities.
Other features at the site include a chat room, a polls section, an alumni database and e-mail service that boosts very good features like a 6 MB mailbox.
The site wants to help provide an academically rigorous bilingual education in Arabic and English, while seeking to meet the highest international standards. It aims to meet the specific needs of Yemeni students taking into account their Islamic and Arab heritage?
To vote, follow the posted steps at
