Yemen man helped al-Qaeda [Archives:2003/02/Local News]

January 13 2003

One of six Yemeni-American men accused by U.S. authorities of belonging to a terrorist sleeper cell has pleaded guilty to providing funds, goods and services to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda.
The man, 26-year-old Faysal Galab, who admitted attending a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, has agreed to cooperate in the ongoing investigation of his five companions and other U.S. terrorism probes.
Galab entered his guilty plea before a judge in Buffalo, New York. In a statement, he admitted taking weapons training at the al-Qaida camp. He said terrorist leader Osama bin Laden visited the camp and said 50 men were on a mission to attack America.
Galab and the five others were arrested near Buffalo late last year and accused of conspiring to provide material support and resources for a foreign terrorist organization. All six initially said they were not guilty of the charge.
The criminal case against the six Yemeni-Americans was originally based on statements by two of the other defendants who allegedly admitted visiting the al-Qaeda camp in Afghanistan and seeing the other four men there. The six have not been charged in connection with the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States, which Washington blames on al-Qaida.
