WFRT releases study on kids [Archives:2003/02/Local News]

January 13 2003

The third in a series of Human Rights research studies titled ‘Street Children phenomena in Yemen’ was published recently by the Women’s Forum on Research and Training.
The social, economical and psychological field study was prepared by Abdulrahman Abdulwahaab, a lecturer in Aden University.
It contained three chapters discussing the phenomena thoroughly and the factors that influence it.
It also included regional and international statistics relating to street children and it concluded with the results from the field research, and with recommendations the author saw feasible.
Meanwhile, the WFRT also published the seventh issue of the “Multaqa” a seasonal publication. This time it took the international agreement for economical, social and cultural rights.
It described the agreement and how it can be utilized in favor of the enforcing of justice and order in the society, and how to execute that.
The latest issue (No 8) of “Sowal wa Jawab” – question & Answer – issued on December discussed the CEDAW agreement in a scientific way.
With that contributing to the Yemeni library, it will help spread useful concepts about human rights in our country.
