A fishy ordeal [Archives:2003/07/Focus]

February 17 2003

By Hassan Al-Haifi
The Bush administration was painstakingly looking for the missing link between President Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden so as to “make sense” out of all the nonsense that the White House has turned the world into over the last year and a half. As if responding to a proper signal, Bin Laden comes out with his most recent of many corny taped messages to prompt Colin Powell to declare that he has found the “proof” that he needs to justify amassing the world’s most destructive conventional (and non conventional) arsenal against the helpless Iraqi people.
Notwithstanding all the corny rhetoric in Bin Laden’s message, one wonders how Colin Powell was able to use the message to justify his boss’s senseless behavior, even before the message was aired by Al-Jazeira satellite news on television. One wonders if there is no clandestine link between the White House and Bin Laden, directly or indirectly. This is probably the reason why the defense minister of the United States could not answer the oft repeated question by reporters: “Why haven’t you captured Bin Laden yet?” which was again asked of Donald Rumsfeld last week.
After Gulf War I (1990), the same question was asked of the Foreign Minister of Bush’s father, but that time the culprit was Saddam Hussein: “If you say Saddam is so bad, why didn’t you finish him off when you were already in Iraq and everything was going against Saddam?” Baker quickly pointed out: “We have no plans to eliminate Saddam Hussein, because he is serving an important strategic role for the United States!” We are now not sure if that strategic role is used up or is still continuing, but the essence is quite clear that there are role players of strategic importance for the United States and American covert interests in gender, political, religious and even “nationalistic” manifestations.
A bizzare figure … and message
How could Bin Laden come out with a normal Friday sermon of common utterance in every mosque and proclaim to the world his outstanding feats of bravery in the Tora Bora Mountains of Afghanistan (one is reminded of the movie, “the Three Hundred Spartans”) and suggest that he knows that he has the right tactical formula for countering the United States’ almost eminent invasion of Iraq? Very few Moslems were aroused by the latest of Bin Laden’s tapes, which only raised more suspicions about the nature of this bizarre figure, who was raised in the midst of the Najd Desert, from where it seems half the troubles of the Moslem World seem to emanate.
What is really going on in this world today? How many clandestine operations are taking place here and there, just to serve the interests of an entrenched American military-industrial complex and the international Zionist establishment, which have solidly joined hands to wreak havoc throughout the world to satisfy their selfish and arrogant aspirations?
Going back to Bin Laden’s tape, it is not clear where Washington found the missing link it was looking for, since Bin Laden has openly declared that Saddam Hussein was an “infidel as all socialists of the world are infidels, including the Arab Socialists and the Yemeni socialists, etc.” I am not sure if the Americans are ready to buy everything that comes out of their fumbling leadership, but it might be advisable to start listening to their European allies, who are really beginning to feel somewhat confused by the latest whirlwind the White House has stirred in the world, lacking in meaningful purpose and intents.
Now there is even talk of economic sanctions against European nations that dare to defy the God-ordained wishes of the United States. One would never think that this is the kind of talk that comes out of a wise American leadership, which has yet to display any sense of wisdom in all its actions or inactions since it took over the United States. Quite frankly, it seems clear that Mr. George Bush is leading the United States to an abyss of ambiguous chauvinistic drives that reflect a strong Zionist influence, which will only bring the United States into an isolated corner, to which not even its might will be of use. ******* Hooray for Belgium!
Carry on Belgium; you are on the right track by insisting that Ariel Sharon should face justice for his criminal deeds. It is about time someone disproves the “anti-terrorist” cloak of the biggest terrorists of modern times! The evidence is there, so proceed for you will serve the cause of justice, which seems to have taken a back seat in this troublesome world, where the mighty insist that they will inherit the earth, forgetting that God Al-Mighty has declared that it is the “meek who shall inherit the Earth”.
