In presence of several Ambassadors and prominent personalitiesYemen Times celebrates its 12th anniversary [Archives:2003/626/Community]

March 10 2003

Yemen Times celebrated last Thursday evening its 12th foundation anniversary in a colorful and glittering ceremony held at the Taj Sheba Hotel in Sanaa.
Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Walid Al-Saqqaf, at the outset in his welcome speech, thanked all the guests who graced the occasion by their presence, which marked the conclusion of 12 years since the newspaper's first issue came out on 28 February 1991 and its entrance into the 13th year.
“Your presence beside us today on this memorable occasion signals your trust and confidence in the Yemen Times. We promise that we'll do our best to rise up to your level of expectations.” said Walid Al-Saqqaf.
“We have come a long way since the first issue came out in 28 February 1991, but we surely know that we still have a long road ahead. There have been challenges in the past, but I am glad to inform you that we seem to be going in the right direction. The leadership of the country, headed by President Ali Abdullah Saleh is keen to enhance the freedom of the press and democracy in Yemen, knowing that such human values could promote overall development in the country.”
The Editor asserted that the paper continued to play its role in promoting human rights, democracy, and freedom of the press through independent, honest, accurate and professional reporting. He said that “every effort is being exerted to follow the path drawn by the paper's founder Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf (may his soul rest in peace).
During his speech, Walid Al-Saqqaf termed last year's developments in the paper 'substantial'. “We have increased the number of the paper's pages by 50% and added new categories and sections to expand our readership and satisfy our regular readers. “One needs not to forget that in this time of globalization, newspapers need to enhance their professional level and improve their service to compete in the world market.” he said.
Following his speech, the Education Page team of Yemen Times, led by Dr. Ramakanta Sahu was honored along with Ramzy Alawi. They were presented with a citation in recognition of their role in promoting an awareness about the English language among a wide sector of readership of Yemen Times. “Thousands of readership follow the page every week, and this is mainly due to the attractive, simple, and highly informative lessons prepared and presented by Dr. Sahu in the Education Page” said the Editor.
In the same context, the newspaper seized the opportunity to recognize the glorious contributions of one of the great pioneers in Yemen, namely Dr. Damodar Thakur, who has spent almost three decades in Yemen spreading the light of education. His contribution to the student community through his position as the Chairman of the English department of Sanaa University has been significant. Then, he was invited to the podium to deliver his address. In his address, Dr. Thakur expressed his appreciation for the newspaper's gesture in thanking him for his role in educating thousands of Yemenis in the last three decades, and he also recalled memories of the Saqqaf family starting from Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf until the current Editor-in-Chief, Walid Al-Saqqaf. “I have fond memories of Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, who was my colleague at the time and his wife, Aziza who was one of my students. I consider the newspaper my family, and I can see that Walid is on the right track in taking Yemen Times to greater heights towards perfection which is a journey not a destination,” he said.
Then, the first five prizes of the Millions Competition held during the last three months were awarded to the winners, who won a total of 1.5 million Yemeni rials. Following the award ceremony, the Sanaa-based sponsor companies were presented with certificates of appreciation and gratitude for their role in supporting Yemen Times in its activities.
Finally, an award was also given to one of the distinguished employees of the Ministry of Information for his dedication, transparency, and professionalism in dealing with the newspaper. Mr. Yahya Al-Kumaim, the Manager of the National Media Department of the Ministry has been cooperative throughout the years in handling issues related to Yemen Times.
Among the guests who attended were the US Ambassador Edmund Hull, UK Ambassador Frances Guy, Chinese Ambassador Gao Yusheng, German Ambassador Werner Zimprich, Italian Ambassador Giacomo Sanfelice di Monteforte, Cuban Ambassador Roberto Rodriguez Pena, Romanian Ambassador Gheorghe Vilcu, Omani Ambassador Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Badi, Palestinian Ambassador Yahya Rabah, Mauritanian Ambassador Ahmado Sidi, plus a large number of diplomats, intellectuals and prominent personalities.

Following the presentation of awards, a number of statements by guests including Ambassadors and other important personalities were recorded. Here we publish a few excerpts:

Mr. Abdulwahab Thabet, a well-known Yemeni Businessman said ” I'd like to point out that that the Yemen Times is the first English newspaper widely read whether inside or outside the country. Actually, I greatly admire the articles written in the paper.”
“I suggest that as a widely-read English newspaper, it should coordinate with the private sector, the well-known Yemeni businessmen in Yemen to push the domestic industries and economy and to face boldly the attack against that factor. “This manifests itself clearly whether in smuggling operations which constitutes a threat to the national economy or the external competitions. “This will in turn pave the way for the paper to depend entirely on those aspects rather than depending on advertisements from the cover to cover,” he further noted.
The services rendered by the paper in this regard will not only reach that sector, but also the Yemeni people at large and ultimately the government.
Mr. Abdulwahab added further that certain inescapable problems are crippling the Yemeni government and that the government does not seem to be aware of those risks. Unemployment has an unprecedented rise in Yemen due to the unavailability of job opportunities for the university graduates.
“Under such circumstances, Yemen will face tangled problems if such indifference remains as it is,” he concluded.

On his part, Hani Shehadeh, the Area Manager of the Consolidated Contractors International Company, CCC congratulated the staff of the newspaper on the 12th anniversary and expressed his admiration for the progress achieved by the paper.
“I feel proud of being close friend to the deceased founder of the Yemen Times, Dr. Abdulaziz al-Saqqaf since the establishment of the paper,” he said.
“It is the first English newspaper which encompasses different useful information for the foreign readers. It is a valuable source for foreigners who arrive in Yemen and they show a keen eagerness to know about Yemen through internet,” Mr. Shehadeh noted further.
“On our part, we advice foreigners or those whom we meet to take the Yemen Times as an informed source for news about political or economic conditions,” he further noted.
Mr. Shehadeh has been deeply impressed by the contents of the paper particularly by what has been written on tourism in Yemen.
In view of this emphasis placed by the Area Manager of the CCC over new investment processes, “a quarter or even a half page should be allotted to deal with issues like investment projects, to whom these have been allotted, and the future projects which center around investment, and encouraging the Arab as well as foreign investors to invest their capitals in Yemen.
A good number of the Arab as well as foreign businessmen arrive in Yemen and no interest has been shown about them or at least about how to encourage them.
As for the CCC, Mr. Shehadeh said that the CCC company has been running its businesses since 1952 and the company has become a part of the Yemen and Yemen has become a part of the CCC.
“We except to enter new investment opportunities in the Free
Zone. We are also about to implement a huge electricity project in Marib. We intend to bring Arab as well as foreign capitals to be invested in Yemen in the process of establishing huge new projects,” he concluded.

Mr. O.P Bajaj, the Indian charge d' affaires said:, “Yemen Times is one of the best newspapers in Yemen which brings the facts thoroughly. So the general public knows the facts.”
Well, I don't miss the paper. I read it thoroughly when the Yemen Times comes.
I think the Yemen Times covers most of the items which are typical of the day and now it is publishing what is called collusion war against terrorism and bringing out the international implications if Iraq is attacked.

On his part, Jiri Pulkrab, Deputy Head of the Mission at the Embassy of the Czech Republic said: “We at the Czech Embassy are quite happy with the paper. Personally, I would prefer the economic news. This is something I like to read only not only from the Yemen Times as there are very few information about the Yemeni economic situation. This is what I would personally welcome,” he said.

Ms. Cathy Westley, the Political Attache of the US Embassy in Sana'a highly commended the efforts exerted by the Times' staff. The paper's role towards, “Yemen's guests” in particular is to cover events which are useful for foreigners and those who have a keen interest in Yemen and Yemenis.

Window to Yemen

Mr. Giacomo Sanfelice Di Montreforte, the Ambassador of Italy, said: “In general the high quality of articles, comments that are published in this paper are a useful source for foreigners, diplomats in particular living in Yemen, because it explains so many facets of Yemen in politics and civil society. So, I would say, it is a window open for foreigners which is very rich and very useful way to communicate and understand. I wish long-life to the Yemen Times and I'm happy to take part in this celebration.

The US Cultural Attache', John Balian said that: “The Yemen Times, in terms of English publications in Yemen, is one of the best that I've seen in terms of its journalistic approach. Every newspaper, every media outlet has room to improve and the Yemen Times has also a room to improve.”
But, given the conditions and given the market and everything else, I think the Yemen Times is doing a good job and I hope that we will help the Yemen Times and other newspapers in Yemen improve in presentation, journalistic standards, and everything else.
I will be working with Waleed and others to bring journalism up to international standards.

News widely covered

On his part, HE, Mr. Abdullah Bin Hamad al-Badi, the Ambassador of Oman said: “First of all, we'd like to congratulate the Yemen Times on its 12th anniversary. It is noticeable that there is a considerable progress on the part of the articles written.”
The paper has allotted a good space for the GCC countries and this a good initiative taken by the Times paper.
This is as a matter of fact, something praiseworthy. What I like most is that local news is widely covered. Those news are accurate. If we notice the front page news, we notice they are realistic and accurate.

Mr. Anwar Churekeev, the Cultural Attache' of the Russian embassy said that: “Yemen Times is the only source to obtain information either political, economic, historical, or social in all its aspects.”
“I hope that the paper will broaden its horizons with regard to the local events,” Mr. Anwar said.
He suggested that the paper should allocate a sizeable space for Yemen's economy and investment opportunities. Such issues as Mr. Anwar indicated will motivate the Yemeni as well as the foreign investors to invest their capitals in Yemen at a time in which the paper has become a useful reference for most of the international centers.
“The Yemen Times is one of the pioneering English newspapers preferred by the diplomats here in Yemen,” he concluded.

Mr. Esa Abdulaziz Qasem, Chairman, al-Hussein Schools said: “We are proud of the paper and therefore, the lessons which have been prepared and presented by Dr. Sahu, are used as teaching materials at the International Studies Academy.

Mahdi Allawi, the Regional Manager of the Arab Bank, said that a distinctive feature of the paper is the comprehensive coverage of the issues, studies, and supplements about a number of vital sectors such as education, banks, economy, and other. It is by all means a useful source of reference.

Tareq Abdulwasa'e, General Manager of the United Insurance said that the paper is in continuous progress and is one of the papers which every one feels proud of.
“We are keen to advertise in the paper for its being widely read among the foreign companies and I suggest earmarking a page on technology focusing on everything new,” he said.

Khaled al-Anesi, from Allawo Corp. said that the institutional work as that of Yemen is rare and that the Yemen Times is a good example of the institutional work. It has achieved a great success and progress and could preserve its independence despite the political changes. The journalistic success lies in its long-term experience and its dexterous staff.

Better than before

Waleed Akkawi, the Marketing Manager of Spacetel Yemen said: “We feel proud of the Yemen Times paper for being one of the pioneering newspapers and a considerable progress is clearly discernible which has become an essential part of the paper.”

Mr. Nadeem Abdulwahed Sales Manager of Zubayen Group said: “The paper has gained a wide reputation in terms of its credibility and an appreciable style for news items. What has made the paper better than others is its unbiased attitude in dealing with issues. Its coverage of the social, economic, and cultural issues is praiseworthy.

Ziad Abdulmajead, the General Manager of the Mam Company said: “The paper has been progressing by leaps and bounds and nowadays it is better than it was three years before.
“What I want to suggest here is that the paper has to increase the space in the front page so as to pave the way for other news to be published,” he said.

Saleem Sheikh (Hertz)
The Yemen Times is the only source for news and is marked by its wide ranging coverage either local or international along with earmarking an educational page. This is something great.