A poem on the war against Iraq:Part of Soil, Part of Oil [Archives:2003/628/Education]

March 24 2003

By Mrs. Nasira Alvi, Pakistani
Sana'a, Yemen
[email protected]

Do march in March
Against the war.
George .W. Bush
'W' is for 'why?'
Don't be crazy for the oil
Why don't you know?
You will be also a part of soil!

Do march in March
Against the war.
Mr. Tony Blair
'T' for 'truth' 'B' for 'beams'
You ought to be the pillars of truth
Why are you crazy for the friendship?
Don't be silly for nothing
Why don't you come to senses,
'The Prince of Wales'?

After hundreds of years
You will be also a part of oil!
Do march in March
Against the war.
Look at Pakistan!
How daring we are
But see 'Mr. Musharaff'
Why don't you believe?
After hundreds of years
You will be also a part of oil!

Do march in March
Against the war.
Look at FRANCE
How dear they are!
'F' for 'Fervent'
'R' for 'Revoulent'
'A' for Accurent
'N' for 'Novaient'
'C' for 'Cooperant
'E' for 'Excellent'
We do believe that
After hundreds of years
We will be also a part of oil.