Al-Arabi Magazine says:Old Sanaa threatened of collapse [Archives:2003/630/Community]

April 7 2003

In its issue number 533, Al-Arabi magazine said that Old Sanaa is threatened of collapse. The magazine, which is a cultural monthly published in Kuwait by the Ministry of Information, dedicated the main report of its issue to Old Sanaa and exposed the difficulties and grave dangers facing the old city.
“The Great Mosque is surrounded by many buildings that are now all abandoned. When I asked why, I was told that the buildings are all threatened of collapse due to lack of maintenance and repair.” The report said. According to the report, the main reason was stated to be the neglect of the government in carrying out its duties in repairing the devastating effects of improper pavement of streets that probably led to the blocking of sewage pipes, leading to internal leakage of sewage into the infrastructures and walls of buildings and consequently resulting in dangerous cracks.
The residents of Old Sanaa told Al-Arabi's reporter Ibrahim Al-Mulaifi that the danger is far more serious than many could think as the threat of collapse applies to tens of buildings that are attached to each other like aluminum and any collapse of one building could cause a catastrophe to hundreds of residents.
The magazine goes further in stressing that further neglect to the city could not only result in the collapse of the buildings and loss of lives, but would probably result in the dropping Old Sanaa from UNESCO's list of world heritage sites.