Readers Forum [Archives:2003/636/Education]

May 12 2003

Dear Dr. Bose,
Let me first say how poor the English department, Hodeidah university, has been for having missed a great Methodologist like you.
I have read some of your Letters to the English Teachers and I particularly like the one in which you identified 3 kinds of learners and 3 kinds of teachers. I can humbly say that I belong to the first category of learners who may be termed as sponge, absorbing water very quickly. But some teachers unfortunately do not transmit to their students the best they have.
Frankly speaking, my knowledge and understanding of “Methods” got further refined by your sweet spring of ideas embodied in “Letters to English Teachers”. I must say there is more wisdom in those letters than I ever found in the classroom. I also benefited a lot from your maiden publication. A guide to English Teachers which definitely guides one to achieve a certain degree of professionalism.
On behalf of all English teachers and teachers-to-be, I very sincerely thank you for your valued efforts. Hope you will continue to provide us with your brilliant tips on teaching.
Waleed Hamud Shams,
Level 3, English Department
Hodeidah University.

Dear Dr. Ramakanta,
I have been following your column “Improve your English” in Yemen Times. I was wondering if the whole series of lessons could be available in one complete set. If not, I would like you to advise me if there is any good book for foreigners to learn English.
I will be glad to hear from you.
Best Regards, Dr.M.Shamsan
[email protected]
Dear Dr. Shamsan,
Thanks for your comments. We are in the process of bringing out the lessons in a book in foreseeable future. There are a few books available in the market on functional English. You can choose the one suitable for your purpose.
Meanwhile please continue following the lessons and send us your comments.
)Dr. Sahu

Dear Dr. Sahu,
On behalf of the editorial board of the magazine YOUTH, I'd like to thank you for your words of encouragement for our humble publication as well as for all your praise-worthy efforts. After we read your opinion that our publication, YOUTH, is laudable, our commitment got renewed and we got more and more encouragement to spare no pains for the sake of improving our modest venture YOUTH to reach further heights of excellence.
We will be grateful if you kindly grace us with a piece of advice that would help us improve our publication.
Yours sincerely,
Abdullah Al-Wa'ra
Managing Editor of YOUTH
Faculty of Education
Sana'a University
[email protected]

Dear friend,
We have a high sense of appreciation for your efforts to make the magazine YOUTH an effective outlet for creative pursuits of young writers in the Faculty of Education, Sana'a University. Kudos to your youthful spirit of innovation and creation. Keep it up.
Best wishes.
)Dr. Sahu