Exclusive to Yemen Times:Vanunu Mordechai blocked from prayers in Bethlehem [Archives:2004/802/Front Page]

December 27 2004

The Yemen Times has learned that the Israeli Nuclear Physicist, Vanunu Mordechai was prevented from going to the Holy City of Bethlehem. In an email to Nachoua Mordechai described his ordeal as he set out to celebrate Christmas (Mordechai converted from Judaism to Christianity). The following is a copy of the exchange of correspondences between a person in Cairo (who wishes to remain anonymous) and Moredechai (Some proofreading has been carried out to correct spellings and typos):

Anonymous writes:

Hi all, I'm sharing here the short exchange I had the chance to have with Vanunu Mordechai, yesterday! He told me the following, minutes ago, in reply to my asking him if I could share our messages.

Hi Anonymous:

You can spread the message and my story.

I think we will go ahead and make a nuclear conference here in east


Thank you


From: Vanunu Mordechai

Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 19:08:48 +0000

To: Anonymous (in Cairo)

Subject: RE: Hello

Dear Anonymous

Last Night, on Christmas Eve, I tried to go to BETHLEHEM

to celebrate my first Christmas in freedom, and to see Bethlehem,

but the police was searching for me and waiting for me,

so they arrested me, took me to a Tel Aviv police station for questioning.

They warned me before not to go to Bethlehem. But I decided not to

respect these restrictions, (of those) who are not respecting me as a human being,

so I tried to travel by taxi. The bishop too was warned by the police

not to take me with him to Bethlehem.

So I took taxi, and the police stopped me and took me to the police station, in

Jerusalem, and then to Tel Aviv

for questioning. My answer (to them) was I am not respecting Israel restrictions, because

the State of Israel is a racist apartheid state; if you are not a Jew you don't have rights here. So I was ready to let them prove to the entire world how Israel can not

tolerate a man who is going to celebrate Christmas. All this arrest was not about security, or NWs (nuclear weapons); it was

about freedom

and democracy for all the people not only for the Jews.

They arrested me at 21:00, released me at 01:00.with house arrest for 5 days,

back in St George, again prevented me from celebrating my Christmas,

and again believing they can bring me back to the life of Jewish people…

My conclusion I can wait until my total freedom, and know if there is any future nuclear


(Otherwise) under such conditions I can not act as a free man.

Happy Christmas.


Vanunu Mordechai, (alias) John Crossman, Kidnapped from Rome by Israeli secret agents Sept. 30, 1986.

Served 18 years in prison for revealing Israel's Dimona nuclear weapons secrets.

Elected Rector of Glasgow University Dec' 2004.

In sanctuary at St. George Cathedral, My address. St George

Cathedral East


—-Original Message Follows—-

From: Anonymous;

To: vanunumvjc

Subject: Hello

Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 18:50:52 +0200

Dear Mordechai,

I've just got your email address together with some excerpts from your

interview with Jerry Levin.

It comes right in time so I can wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

Be sure that you are admired and greatly respected by all peace and justice loving people. God

bless you my friend.

Anonymous from Cairo.