Biometric System to be applied next February [Archives:2006/910/Local News]

January 9 2006

SANAA, Jan.7- Various media instruments published last Thursday news that the Ministry of Civil Service was finalizing arrangements for installing the Biometric System (the use of photo and fingerprint cards) and issuing occupation cards in all the units of the State's administrative system next February.

The Ministry will finish training workers on devices and equipment specialized for applying the Biometric System and distribute them to government facilities in all the Yemeni governorates, the media said.

It pointed out that the German company entrusted with implementing the project will finalize the procurement of other devices and equipment for the project at a total cost of two million and seven thousand Euros by the end of January. The cost will be paid by a World Bank credit as part of the framework for updating the Civil Service as part of the financial and administrative reform program in the country.

Official source clarified that the Fingerprint and Photo System will include all government civil, security and military employees according to the law. A photo and fingerprint will be taken for each employee to be then granted an occupation digit in his/her administrative unit.

Then the database will be collected from governorates to the Main Database at the Ministry of Civil Service, which will have a central system for the collection of fingerprints and photos.

According to the same sources, implementing the Biometric System this year aims to put an end to multi-dippers and prevent any future recurrence of the phenomenon.

The sources mentioned that multi-dippers who voluntarily resigned numbered up to 5581 and that the remaining days of January would be a deadline for multi-dippers to select one job and resign from others. If multi-dippers do not respond by the deadline, they will be eventually dismissed from the government jobs and sent to court, Ministry of Civil Service source said.