YT founder late Dr. Al-Saqqaf wins MEPC Lifetime Achievement Award [Archives:2006/927/Front Page]

March 9 2006
Walid Al-Saqqaf (right) receiving the AWA.
Walid Al-Saqqaf (right) receiving the AWA.
Walid Al-Saqqaf
Dubai, March 6 ) Yemen Times founder late Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf (1952-1999) won yesterday the Middle East Publishing Conference Lifetime Achievement award, which was handed over to his son and YT journalist Walid Al-Saqqaf in an official ceremony in Dubai.

The awarding event was part of the second annual regional Middle East conference focusing on magazine, newspaper and online publishing held in Dubai during 5-6 March and was held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai and UAE Prime Minister.

The selection was made by a special committee, comprising representatives of the three co-organizers of the Middle East Publishing Conference (MEPC) – the International Federation of Periodical Publishers (FIPP), the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) and Dubai Consultancy Research and Media Centre.

Late Al-Saqqaf was among a short list of prominent Middle East publishers including Ghassan Tueni, journalist, publisher and civil servant, who took over An Nahar (Lebanon) in 1947 and helped establish it as an outspoken, independent, liberal newspaper; Hisham and Muhammad Ali Hafiz, considered founders of journalism in Saudi Arabia, having in 1978 founded Asharq Al Awsat; the late Abdul Aziz Fahd Al Msa'eed who was a towering figure in Kuwait's post-independence press; and Mustafa Ameen (1914-97), journalist, writer and publisher who established Al Akhbar.

“Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf was one of the most prominent human rights activists He was the founder of Yemen Times, which is the first and most popular English newspaper in Yemen.” the organizers of the MEPC said in a press release.

After receiving the award, Walid Al-Saqqaf said the award would be dedicated to the soul of his father who “struggled to expose the truth no matter the consequences” and is a gift to Yemenis “who believed in his message.”

“My father struggled a lot in his life. He was harassed, detained, beaten, and even kidnapped. But he always felt that his duty in presenting the truth to the people deserves all the sacrifice.” Walid Al-Saqqaf said.

This is one of many awards presented to Dr. Al-Saqqaf during his life and after his death in a mysterious traffic accident he was exposed to on June 2, 1999. Among the other prestigious awards presented to Al-Saqqaf was the 1994 National Press Club Human Rights Award in the International Category.

The award for the category of Newspaper Publishing was one of three awards given by the MEPC. The other two awards were the Magazine Publisher award won by Ghanima Fahd Al Marzouq, publisher of Usrati weekly, Kuwait and the Online Publisher award presented to