In brief [Archives:2007/1015/Local News]

January 11 2007


– Electricity minister discusses service development

Jan. 10 ) Minister of Electricity, Ali Mojawar, discussed with leaders and directors of Aden Electricity Pubic Corporation the corporation activities and the possible means should be followed to develop and enhancing its services. The minister said electricity bills belonging to governmental or private sectors institutions should be paid in the determined period and for those who delay payment then their service must be suspended. The minister also affirmed the importance of tackling customers problems and solve them immediately and facilitate office work procedures.

– Training on technical education benefit

Jan. 10 ) A training course on how to utlize the outcomes of technical education was carried at the community college in Aden last week. The course was sponsored by the Dutch program in Yemen in cooperation with the Technical and Vocational Training Office in Aden. There were 60 employees of the Technical and Industrial Institute as well as from the National Training of Trainers Institure in Aden participating in the training.

– Children enjoy Aden parks during holidays

Jan. 9 ) The parks and gardens of Aden received more than 570 children to celebrate Eid holidays in Aden, according to the gardens and greenery authority in Aden. The children came with their families from all around the country. The authority attributed the increase in the number of visitors to the efforts taken in enhancing the city's entertainment facilities and taking care of nature.


– Equipping Kidney Section in Dhamar Hospital

Jan. 9 ) The final touches of the kidney treatment section at Dhamar Hospital are being completed currently. The department includes six complete units for cleaning kidneys equipped with the latest technologies is seen as an important step to improving Yemeni health in the governorate, especially that the hospital reported an increasing rate of kidney failure patients. Dr. Al-Ahsab, director general of the hospita,l commented on the significance of this section adding that an association for kidney failure patients will be established soon.


– Rotten food confiscated

Jan. 9 ) The Industry and Commerce Office in Mahweet confiscated large quantities of poor quality food products from the market, which were not suitable for human consumption. The confiscation came as a part of a health campaign carried by the office in Mahweet in cooperation with the local council and environmental health authority in the governorate. The campaign covers local markets and shops where such products are being sold. A spokesperson from the campaign confirmed that in addition to confiscating the bad items, there is a penalty against the merchant selling them.


– Health Minister discusses the assessment process of private medicine

Jan. 9 ) Chaired by Health Minister, Dr. Abulkarim Yahya Rase'a, and attended by Dr. Tarek Sinan Abu luhom, the Board Chairman of Science and Technology Hospital, there was a meeting to discuss the extensive assessment process of private medical institutions. The assessment process carried out by the Ministry of Health aims at enhancing and backing up cooperation ties between the ministry and the private investment hospitals to attract the Yemeni patients who travel abroad seeking medical treatment and to establish a modern scientific base run by well trained medical staff meet the needs of the patients. The minister inspected medical services in a number of the hospital's departments and praised the highly equipped departments.