In brief [Archives:2007/1016/Local News]

January 15 2007

Campaign fighting child smuggling

Jan. 13 ) On Saturday the Ministry of Health dedicated an awareness campaign for fighting child smuggling cooperating with UNESCO in Hodeidah, Hajah and Ryimah governorates. The campaign includes many activities such as seminars, workshops and research presentations about the negative effects of increasing smuggling in the society in general. The campaign will be continued for ten days.


Students take course on health issues

Jan. 13 ) The national program for school health is cooperating with the office of education awareness program to talk to many schools in the second semester of the 2006-2007 year. The course aims to teach 10,000 students about health issues and first aid. The campaign indicates media awareness in schools, distributing handbills and medicine for the trainees. The campaign will be continued for one month, according to Mohammed Jarpatien, the coordinator of the national program in the office of the general health and population.


An attractive governorate for tourists in 2006

Jan. 13 ) The general manager of the tourism office, Fahd Al-Godami noticed that Hajah governorate received more than 40,000 tourists during 2006 and this is because of the historical, natural and tourism locations in the governorate. More than 18 tourist hotels, 29 restaurants and four tourism companies operate in the governorate contributing to the increase in tourism.


Vice President chairs local council meeting in Hodeidah

Jan. 13 ) Vice President, Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi, chaired an elaborate meeting for the local council and the executive office. In the meeting, that is considered the first in the year 2007, they discussed the development program, its merits and demerits, and making use of those experiences to create necessary remedies for the faults in the program. The vice president delivered a speech about education and building new schools. He talked about a number of achievements in the governorate and the human needs of health services, communication, transportation, water and electricity, stressing on exerting more effort to develop humanitarian services.

Three commercial storehouses burn

Jan.13 ) An electrical fire damaged three commercial storehouses. According to reports source, the losing was estimated more than milliard YR. the firefighting operation was continued for three hours because of the lack of fire fighting tools.


International agreement on social cooperation

Jan. 13 ) Deputy Minister of Social Affairs, Ali Saleh Abdullah, discussed Wednesday with Kindom of Saudi Arabian Minister of Social Affairs, Abdulmuhsen Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Akkas, ways of enacting the understanding memo signed by Yemen and Saudi Arabia in the field of social affairs and translating it into practical programs to enhance cooperation and coordination between the two countries. The two officials agreed on forming a joint committee for preparing an executive program.


Future cooperation between Yemen and France

Jan.14 ) the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Abdul- Karim al-Arhabi met Saturday with French Ambassador to Yemen, Gilles Gauthier. They discussed aspects of current and future cooperation between Yemen and France. They discussed also preparations for the visit of French International Cooperation Minister to Yemen scheduled early next March.


Medical camp carries out 477 surgeries and treats 2341 cases free

Jan. 13 ) The Ministry of Health concluded a week-long charitable medical camp. The medical team carried out 477 surgical operations and treated 2341 cases. The camp aims to bring services to isolated districts which have low medical services. Most of the surgeries were successfully without any kind of side effects, according to the chief of the medical team, tawfeeq al Khatib stated.