A brief review of Islam’s tenetsSolidarity is key to Islam [Archives:2003/689/Community]
By Dr. Manea Al-Hazmi
For The Yemen Times
Solidarity or joint liability in Islam reflects the unity of Muslims in all aspects of life. It shows mutual responsibility among Muslim brothers and sisters.
Sharing brotherhood among Muslims in Al-Madina was the first social reform achieved by the prophet Mohammad, Peace Be Upon Him, after his arrival to Al-Madina.
The Prophet, (PBUH) made brotherhood between Al-Mohajreen and Al-A’nsars (two tribes in Al-Madina).This brotherhood exceeded the imagination of any social reform in the world because every one used to ask his brother to share his wealth.
In fact, Al-Mohajreen and Al-A’nsars in Al-Madina were enemies to each other but after they embraced Islam they became brethren.
Allah Said: “And hold fast , all of you together, to the Rope of Allah, and be not divided and remember Allah’s favour on you. you were enemies but He joined your hearts together and by his Grace you became brethren and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire and He saved you from it”Qur’an,3:103.
Believers are helpers, supporters, friends and protectors. This mutual responsibility is stressed in Qura’n and Hadith.
Allah said: “ The believers are one another and enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds”Qur’an,9:71 .The prophet said: “Every one of you is a protector and guardian of his immediate charge and is responsible for the actions of those people who are committed to his charge” narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
Muslims reach high level of Iman (faith) when they wish for their brothers what they wish for themselves. The Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said: “ None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself” narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. Muslims will not enter Paradise until they believe and they will not believe until they love each other.
Solidarity in Islam starts at the family level. Strong relations among the family members comes by the orders of Allah and his messenger. Allah said: “And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years- give thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the final destination.”Qur’an,31:14
Since mother suffers more in pregnancy and in taking care of her kids, she has the greatest right. A man asked the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) “Who has the greatest right over me? The Prophet replied “Your mother. And he asked “Who is next? Prophet replied “Your mother. Then he asked “Who is next? The Prophet replied “Your mother. Then he asked “who is next? The Prophet replied “Your father,” as narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
In fact, disobedience of parents is one of the major sins. The Prophet (PBUH) said “Among the major sins are : Association of any body with Allah, disobedience to parents, killing of a person, and taking a false oath,” narrated by Bukhari.
The Muslim should have good relations with his family and relatives by visiting them or helping them. Allah said: “ Give the kinsman his due, and the needy, and the poor and to the wayfarer. but spend not wastefully in the manner of a spendthrift” Qur’an,17:26.
Any one who breaks relations with his/her family he/she will be in danger. The Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said “ He who breaks off the ties of blood will not enter paradise” narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
Solidarity in Islam extends from the family to the neighbors and to the whole society. Islam advises the Muslim to be good not only to his/her family but also to his/her neighbor and to provide any needed help.
Allah said: “ Worship Allah and join none with Him(in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor ), the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful .” Qur’an,4:36. Also the Prophet said “let he who believes in Allah and the last day be kind to his neighbor,“ narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
Islam stressed the right of the neighbors to a great point. The Prophet (PBUH) said “ Gabriel advised me to do good to the neighbor to the point I almost thought he would eventually advise me to make my neighbor my heir” narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. He who is bad to his neighbor is not a truly believer and his faith is incomplete and he is not a perfect Muslim.
Islam has many acts of worship that result in achieving solidarity in the Muslim society such as: prayer , zakat (obligatory charity),Fasting of Ramadan and pilgrimage.
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Muslims perform prayer in the mosques five times day and night. This daily gathering strengthens relations among Muslims in the neighborhood.
Zakat (obligatory charity) is the third pillar of Islam. Obligatory charity and volunteer charity in Islam is a manifestation of social mutual responsibility among Muslims. So the wealthy sympathize with the poor and the poor love the wealthy.
Fasting of Ramadan is the forth pillar of Islam. Fasting of Ramadan makes Muslims share the suffering of their Muslims brothers and leads the rich to spend on the poor, thus builds a strong relations in the Muslim society.
Pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam. Pilgrimage (Hajj) represents an annual meeting where Muslims from all over the world gather in Makka once a year to perform the rites of Hajj.
This gathering is an example of Muslims solidarity. All distinctions (nationality, wealth, class, color) disappear among all Muslims in pilgrimage. All of them wear the same clothes and greet each other with the greeting of Islam.
Finally, solidarity in Islam is an act of worship dedicated to get Allahs’ pleasure. Therefore, Muslims share responsibility with their brothers and sisters to reach their Lord’s satisfaction in this life and to get His Paradise in the hereafter.