A curable disease of anger [Archives:2005/897/Health]
Anger is a part of a human nature, its base is the natural instinct which exists from birth, and reflects in extra ordinary circumstances and occasions. Anger covers every part of the body, eyes and face become fiery. Hands and tongue shivering, legs tremble and spit foam from his mouth. All parts of the body become out of controlled by nerves system. Senses can not play properly in angry mood. There is no difference in between an angry and a mad. It is possible, that in anger, such blunders may commit which penalty remains continue for long, as a result.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib says: “Be aware of anger; it starts from madness and end on shame and regret”. Imam Jafar Assadiq says: “Anger is a key of crimes and sins. It sabotage religion and damage the good deeds”. A Hadith says: “The anger spoils the faith in such a manner as vinegar spoils the honey. Under the shade of anger, person utter nonsense and commits incorrect acts, which exposes him totally and make him degraded before the eyes of others”. Ali Ibn Abi Talib says: “Anger is a bad companion, who exposes person's inner defects. It is a thing which closes the person towards the sins and creates a long distance towards the good deeds”. A constant anger has an adverse effect on the nerves system and heart which make them weak. So a person who has care about health and peace, faith and creed, should try to remove this weakness forcefully. One should be careful that Anger may snatch nerves control and destroy totally his peace, honor, believe and prestige.
This point should always be kept in mind; angry nature is dangerous for health and wealth. It will create problems everywhere. Do anger where it is required and situation cannot be ignored? It is a good quality of human temper for humanly treatment in the best possible manner. In Jihad, in the defense of Islam, in the establishment of Maruf (
Favor )and restrained Munkar(abominable action ), anger is necessary. For the safeguard of one's honor anger is allowed. Similarly for tyrant, apostate, and hypocrite extend displeasure and anger is compulsory. If through the anger one can provide any kind of relief and protection to a deserve person, it is allowed.
An honest, sincere and responsible Muslim, whose life passed through the hard experience, in war against tyranny can not lose his patient. Islam do not allow this, anger should not conquer the intelligence. Ali says: “If you follow your anger then surely it will lead you towards the destruction”, (Mustadrak, Vol. 2, pg. 326, Iran).
This is not possible that the power of anger completely eliminates and a person should remain un-concerned with this. It is not meant, but one should be away from excesses. This power should be properly handled and used, so that it can be utilized in better way on proper occasions.
Power of anger, generally flourish in human from one's childhood, side by side, with other faculties. This is a part and parcel of a human nature, but its excess and decrease relates upon nourishment and upbringing of each person. The behavior of the parents with child can brought this human habit on equilibrium or to the minimum or excessiveness. This point should always be kept in mind that all human habits are not the same. Some have high anger nature and some get it very less from the childhood. Wise and fore sighted parents treat their kids according to their temperament. They always try to control the child from any kind of excessiveness or abnormalities of nature.
Child cries in anger and creates disturbances, its body shivers, its face appearance changes. In this situation, baby shouts and wants to be aloof from others, and hide in a corner. It is advice able to find the reason of child's anger and remove it. Anger is the result of some trouble and pain feeling or displeasure. It is a result of many things which is not possible to describe in a few lines. Some are the following:
– Less sleeping
– Hunger
– Thirst
– Hot climate
– Cool weather
These are cause of anger too, to impose unnecessary restrictions upon the child, such as, harsh attitude, unjust act, insult, torture, always handle strictly, bound to follow the orders. To entrust anything strongly against child's wishes deforms his self confidence. Child feels unsuccessful and weak in that position. Unpleasant manner of handling turn the child in to anger. The repetition of such attitude forces the child to revolt against this situation. It is the parents who damage the personality of child and convert its temperament by their harsh treatment. Parents are responsible for such defects. If your child is in an angry mood, then you should not be angry with. You must be sure that child's aim is not to commit an ill. You find out the reasons behind anger and the remedy is that you remove his grievance. Remove as soon as possible thirst and hunger of the child. If child is tired, get him sleep. If child is disturbing due to your own working, then stop that thing to ease your child for that time. If child is disturbed with any particular thing then divert his attention. If child has any genuine demands try to fulfill it. When child becomes normal, tell in a good way and make him understand that the child may realize the difference between good and bad. Full cooperation of the child is much necessary to control his mood. The conclusion of discussion is an advice of Ali Ibn Abi Talib says: “Beware of anger. It should never be stressed upon you and not become a permanent habit”, (Ghuraril Hikam, pg. 809, Beirut).
A father selected a unique manner to remove the bad habit of anger from his child. The father gave his son a bag of nails and asked him that whenever he lost his temper, must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He informed his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said: “You have done well