A Donkeys Diary A story by Ali Ahmed Qubattis [Archives:2002/10/Culture]

March 4 2002

Today: no
This morning my owner led me to the farm because, as he said, oxen became more expensive; therefor, he must use the donkey, (i.e) me instead of them.
I thought of that for a long time. I couldnt refuse, for if I refused he would use the came as usual. I went out following him in farm, and the hand labor started. It was not easy to work, because I was in need of practice because of the unjusted small trenches of the ground. As a result whenever I diverted left or right, he lashed me till my legs bled.
Today: yes
I heard on the radio that a society called The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals had been formed. On hearing this, my owner trembled frightfully. But he commented: This society didnt represent lords of labor rather than a group of these who didnt own tools of production.
So he wouldnt attend meetings of that society, because it didnt represent anyone but itself.
When I heard the news soon I went out to hang a sticker on my leg Let lashes of injustice end forever.
Today: An attitude
I met a friend loaded with bags of flour. He talked to me cheerfully about what that society represented and that he collected donkeys to demonstrate in front of the society to claim a reduction in labor hours.
Today: Who?
I refused to eat my fodder which is less than enough to feed a lamb. How about me who worked form 5 A.M. to nightfall, bearing lash stings while I hit the ground with my feet? My master grew more angry when he saw my legs not moving in spite of their pain. He felt tired of beating me, so he left the yard to bring another can of seeds. I swallowed them quickly. I felt sympathy for him, therefore I went out with him.
Today: why?
My master ordered me not to take part in the demonstration with other donkeys promising to answer my claims. It was not wise to stand against those who provided you with enough food.
Then he added if I behaved wrongly, he would stop giving me food for three days. As he said that, jesters had nothing to admit, except shouting and sweeping thoughts of present and future of donkeys thinking that would pave the way to control donkeys and lead them in a way that served their interests.
Near the well a quarrel took place between representatives of the society and donkeys owner of donkeys.
You dont care for their hunger but you care for their production. You order them to obey you, but neglect your duties towards them. As if the game wont pass because they are more attentive than you, guess till they get their rights completely.
We donkeys owners know them well more than you do. You are merely a group of paupers wishing to exploit donkeys by the name of donkeys. Such injustice should continue no more. You should be fought.
Today: the end of 11
Till now I still think of what should be done. All began to feel weak points in donkeys lives. But the last decision should be taken into consideration. I think the recent struggle is for our interests, those of us, the donkeys, especially when fodder is served generously.
Translated by: Saad Sharif Tahir
