A Farewell Ceremony is Organized for the 6th summer vacation of students at Bader Scientific Center [Archives:1999/34/Local News]
A ceremony was organized Tuesday, 17-8-1999, at Bader Scientific Center in Sana’a for the graduate students on summer vacation. The ceremony was attended by the sponsor of the ceremony, Mohammed Mansoor and a large number of people. The ceremony was initiated with the Holy Qura’n. Then, a speech was made by the establisher of the center and mosque, Dr. Al-Mortadi Ben Zaid. The main objective of the center is to protect children from going astray. The center is actually an example for other centers and schools to be followed. After the speech of Al-Mortadi, a test was made for the graduates. The attendees were amazed because the graduates of this center answered all the questions asked by the attendees in an open discussion.