A game of musical prisoners [Archives:2002/18/Front Page]

April 29 2002

Suspects held . . .
Yemeni security authorities have detained two person allegedly involved in the last wave of bombings that took place in Sanaa, the last of which targeted the secret police office at the Aviation and Metrology Authority, security sources say.
The two are sympathizers with the al-Qaeda captives held by Yemeni secret police.
The arrest of the two comes with the approach of the end of the 30-day ultimatum given by the al-Qaeda sympathizers. They have told authorities to release their 173 comrades, currently detained at the Political Security Office, or they will step up their bomb attacks.
Meanwhile, security police raided the house of Ali Mubarak Firas brother, last Friday. Firas is currently in prison on alleged links to al-Qaeda Sympathizers.
The suspect was arrested by the 21 Brigade personnel in Marib under the pretext that he was involved in kidnapping the German diplomat, Renhar Berns, in Mareb region.
Firas has been detained by Yemeni authorities and sent to Sanaa for interrogation.
Marib Governor has sent a letter to the Director of the Capital Investigation demanding him to set him free, until evidence is brought against him.
The governor added that Firas has no links to the abduction of the German diplomat.
. . . Convicts flee
Seven convicts escaped from Sanaas Central Jail last Monday, and investigators want to know how.
Yemeni authorities have since arrested an unknown number of relatives of the escaped convicts and have been holding them to find out just where the escapees may be.
This, in turn, has created tension with tribesmen in Marib governorate, 200 km. east of Sanaa.
Tribesmen have demanded the authorities not to involve the relatives of the escaped convicts.
The convicts are from Marib governorate.
They are convicted of serious crimes such as, car thefts, killing and banditry.
