A letter to Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf Yemen without you [Archives:2002/24/Viewpoint]
Last week marked three years since you left us. During these years, people have continued to talk about your vision, accomplishments, character and ambitions. You had a vision of a modern Yemen. A country with high literacy, economic stability, and a bright future. You served as an example to politicians and all Yemenis by walking as a hard working, dedicated, and enlightened individual who put priorities first.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot truly express the loss that Yemen experienced when you left on June second 1999.
We want to thank you for leaving us the Yemen Times, which is continuing the mission that you assigned it, with confidence and persistence.
Today, the Yemen Times stands as one of the many achievements that you accomplished. It will continue to voice the values it was built upon, namely democracy, freedom of speech and human rights.
Yemen without you is like a lost country without vision. It lacks a man who can drive the country to a new era of technology and modernization.
We know that it will be impossible to find a substitute for you. But we tell you this: You are still on our minds and in our hearts. We promise to continue as a group here at the newspaper and hold on to your principles till the very end.
We promise to work towards the fulfillment of your dream to help build a modern country. The most we can do at this time is through our writing at the Yemen Times. We know that our words are being heard and read, and we hope that decision makers listen to help realize your dream, and the dream of every Yemeni.
A modern Yemen.
We miss you, Dr. Abdulaziz
May your soul rest in peace.
Staff of YT