A letter to the teachers of English: 103Conversation skills (3)A friendly teacher and an unfriendly student [Archives:2006/912/Education]

January 16 2006

PROF. M.N.K.BOSE [email protected]
Professor of English,
Faculty of Arts, Ibb

(Abdal Aziz, the teacher is writing on the blackboard and A'rif, a student comes late to class and knocks on the door.)

Teacher: Oh, You. Late again. What's the time now? The class begins at 8 and it is 8.30. Why are you late?

A'rif: I come from a long distance.

Teacher: Where from?

A'rif: From Alwaraf.

Teacher: Al Waraf is not far away and you are not the only one coming from there.

Some others also come from there and they are all here. What is your problem?

A'rif: There is no bus from there.

Teacher: How did these people come, then?

A'rif: I don't know. It's Ramadhan.

Teacher: OK. That's why I allow people 15 mts. It is half past nine. The class is for one hour and you come half an hour late. Tell me the truth.

A'rif: I overslept, because I went to bed very late in the morning.

Teacher: Say that. You could have said that in the beginning. Why do you blame the bus and other people? You have come late and you are also telling a lie. Let it be the last time. OK?

A'rif: OK.

Activity: Can you imagine another situation where you and a problem student (eg. someone who often forgets his/her pen) converse with each other? Try to create a conversation on this model.

Let your speech bind your friends and attract your enemies.

Yours fraternally,
