A New Discovery in Arch Bilqis [Archives:2000/49/Last Page]
December 4 2000

Gary Vey
Viewzone Magazine
65 Columbus Avenue, Suite 2
Northampton, MA 01060
413- 584-1413
On October 15, John McGovern, busy documenting the First Tongue in Australia, located pictures of inscriptions from the alleged Queen of Sheeba’s archaeological site in Yemen. The language on the wall, although stylized into a font, appears to be First Tongue.
It is believed that this ancient alphabet was used much as Latin inscriptions and Roman Numeral dates are used on contemporary dedication plaques. A dead language never changes and is therefore constant through time.
The translation indicates that there was a powerful kingdom in Yemen that was ruled by a Queen. Her son was buried with the Ark of the Covenant in your country, and is still buried there. This queen, the writing says, left her kingdom (she “dimmed” her kingdom) so that it would not be occupied by an unfriendly nation. She did this to preserve the Ark and to honor God.

I recently created a program that translates the script found on the excavations at Bilqis.
The revelations that are in these translations show that both Arab and Jew are of the same family and both have equal rights and responsibilities under the Covenant with the Creator. I believe that the 3000 year anniversary of this archaeological site could mark the beginning of a new era of peace. Ahab and Isaac were brothers and both sons of Abraham, to whom Allah spoke and instructed. The Holy Land of Jerusalem is therefore the land of both cultures and the hatred and misunderstanding must end. I call upon the people of Yemen and their leaders to become the peacemakers by revealing the translations to the world. We are on the brink of either peace or more conflict – please turn your face towards the Great Lord and stand shoulder to shoulder, in honoring the blessings of the Lord.
Yemen – be the leaders in peace and search for the gift that is buried in your land. It is your destiny. Embrace it. Let the work of Allah be done through your minds and hearts.