A protected heaven in Yemen [Archives:2004/750/Health]

June 28 2004
Hawf Forest in Al Mahra Governorate.
Hawf Forest in Al Mahra Governorate.
Eng Ali A. Al-Fadeel
Eng Ali A. Al-Fadeel
Shawran lake, Bir Ali
Shawran lake, Bir Ali
Buraa forest in Al Hudaidah Governorate
Buraa forest in Al Hudaidah Governorate
By Eng Ali A. Al-Fadeel
DG, PMA & CZM Project
For the Yemen Times

Yemen enjoys important and rich biological diversity, both in its fauna and flora. Many parts of the country contain globally important plant and animal species, many of which are found only in Yemen. The country has, therefore, received international recognition. The richness in species number and diversity and international recognition initiated the establishment of protected areas in many parts.
The Government of Yemen has received a grant from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), under the supervision of the World Bank, to establish a plan for the management of four areas prior to declaring them as protected. The affected areas are:
1- Bura'a forest in Al Hudaidah Governorate.
2- Hawf Forest in Al Mahra Governorate.
3- Sharma-Jethmun coast in Hadhramout Governorate.
4- Belhaf-Burum coast in Shabwa and Hadhramout Governorates.
The project is implemented by the Protected Areas and Coastal Zone Management Project (PAM & CZM Project) through the Environment Protection Authority.
A supervision mission from the World Bank is visiting Yemen during the period 22 – 29 June 2004. A program is prepared for the mission to hold meetings with project staff, officials from concerned ministries and other stakeholders to discuss various issues related to the project, including progress and constraints facing the project.

The Forest of Bura'a
This forest is located on the edges of Wadi Rijaf, Bura'a District in Al Hudaidah Governorate. It covers an area of 4100 ha, and contains a wide biological diversity, especially in its flora. The forest receives a substantial quantity of rainfall, resulting in a thick sub-tropical forest. Several species of birds have been reported to occur in this forest. It is also one of the few areas of Yemen where one can see large numbers of baboons foraging in the trees.

Hawf Forest
This unique forest is located in the eastern part of the country, adjacent to the boarders with Oman. It is located in a mountainous area that covers an area of 30,000 ha. It is characterized by a wet and foggy period during summer and early fall months. Several species of plants, including orchids, have been recorded in this forest.

Sharma-Jethmun coastal area
This coast is located in Hadhramout Governorates and extends for 50 Km. This coast is a globally important site for sea turtle nesting. At least three species of turtles have been reported to visit this area during July – September every year to lay their eggs.

Belhaf-Burum coastal area
This is a long coastal zone that extends for 75 Km from Belhaf in Shabwa Governorate to Burum in Hadhranout Governorate. It is rich in coral reefs and various colorful fish species, in addition to mangrove trees.
The PAM&CZM Project aims to prepare a management plan by hiring specialized international and national consultants. The consultants are conducting field studies in the above-mentioned areas and conducting training seminars and workshops for local communities and representatives of stakeholders. These studies and training seminars will form the basis for protected areas in Yemen.

Several studies have been conducted by the consultant consortiums in Bura'a and Hawf Protected Areas. These include the following:
1- Community based management plan.
2- Training needs assessment report.
3- Land tenure, legal studies and economic opportunities report.
4- Eco-tourism strategy and action plan.
5- Biodiversity management plan.
6- Natural resource.
7- Socio-economic studies.
Activities in the coastal zones are still ongoing because of delay in signing the contract with the consultants.

The project has experienced several constrains and difficulties which resulted in delays and lags in implementing activities in the field. These are due to certain international events connected to the September 11 attacks and the war against Iraq. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that all activities will be finished by the end of December 2004. Each consulting consortium will then submit a final report, which will include all outcomes. These are hoped to form the basis for protected areas in Yemen.