A Review of the Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences and Call for Papers [Archives:2003/690/Education]

December 1 2003

By Dr Ayid Sharyan
Department of English
Faculty of Education
Sana’a University

The Journal Of Educational & Psychological Sciences, is an academic biannual and bilingual refered journal, published by the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University. It publishes research reports in various fields in science and humanities.
Scholars from different Faculties, Universities in and outside Yemen are requested to contribute their research papers for the next issue (July-December, 2003) of this academic forum. The current issue (Vol. 2- Issue No 3. Jan-June 2003) is in print. The previous issue (Vol.1- Issue No 2. July-December- 2002) includes the following articles in English: Analysis of Politeness Forms in Arabic: A Pragmatic Approach by Dr Ayid Sharyan, The Input Hypothesis: Concept, Applicability and Criticism by Dr. Ahmad Al-Samawi, Teaching The Problem-Solution Writing: Scheme for Advanced ESL Classes in Yemeni universities by Dr. Mahmood Shamsher. The Arabic research papers deal with Job Satisfaction at high secondary schools by Prof Mohammed Al-Mekhlafi and Aida Mohamad Mukrad, The Attitude of Historical Writing about the Arabian Peninsula by Dr Dawood Al Manadaei, and Evaluation Of The Arabic Program In Infusing Teaching Skills To Its Students by Dr Abduallh Al-Kaori. Besides, abstracts of some on-going researches done in the Faculty are also reported in the journal.
All correspondence regarding the journal can be addressed to:
Prof. M. S. Al-Mekhlafi
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences,
P.O. Box: 13324,
Faculty of Education-Sana’a ,
Sana’a University,
Republic of Yemen

E-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
Tel-Fax: 250559,
Tel: 224374/224372/250559

Dr Ayid Sharyan is Associate Editor, Journal Of Educational & Psychological Sciences
Department of English,
Faculty of Education, Sana’a University