Abdullah Hamoud Al-Izzy Zaidiah never respects any movements that slander Islam like Wahabiah. [Archives:2001/02/Culture]

January 8 2001

The Zaidiah movement prevailed throughout most part of the Yemeni history with all its negative and positive sides. It remained on the top of the authority structure but slowly declined after the authoritys coalition with the Muslim Brothers Party late in the 70s, and continued to decline sharply after the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990. This coalition with the Muslim Brothers Party late in the 70s limited the Zaidiah supporters activity. The most important center of Zaidiah is Saadah City in the north of Yemen.
Hassan Al-Zaedi of Yemen Times interviewed Abdullah Hamoud Al-Izzy who is a distinguished and leading figure of Zaidiah movement. Mr. Al-Izzy, who wrote many books about Zaidiah, is the head of the Justice and Guidance Center for Researches and Studies belonging to this movement in Saadah.
Q: Could you give a brief account about the Shiitic Zaidiah movement in Yemen?
A: Lexically, Shiites mean followers or supporters. This meaning of Shiites was mentioned in the Holy Quran. The jargon meaning of Shiites is: followers and supporters of kinfolk of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace and prayers be upon him). The Prophet recommended Muslims to love his kinfolk and follow their example. This recommendation was expressed in many Hadiths. The two most eminent sects of Shiism are the Zaidiah movement and the Imamate. Zaidiah is the most ideal form of Shiism for there is neither exaggeration nor negligence in it. However, Shiism is defamed from inside and outside. This makes people misjudge all sects of Shiism though they are quite different. The truth is that Shiism is well represented by the Zaidiah movement named after Zaid Bin Hussain Bin Ali Bin Abi Taleb. Zaid Bin Ali is the founder and pioneering figure of this movement. Affiliation to Zaidiah came as a result of Zaid Bin Alis preference of the most correct creed of kinfolk of the Prophet in justice, monotheism, punishment, ruling and fighting corruption by supporting what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Zaidiah supporters affiliation to Zaidiah is not like Shafiah supporters affiliation to Shafiah or the Malekiah supporters to Malekiah. The latter two movements remained stagnant and did not develop or open to the other sects of Shiism. Affiliation to Zaidiah must be open-minded to other sects and make efforts to understand and interpret the doctrinal writings. Therefore, there are many schools in Zaidiah so that assiduous religious people affiliating to it have an opportunity to state their thoughts and views freely. Shafiah and Malekiah supporters completely abide by the doctrinal writings of Shafii and Maleki without attempting to make efforts to understand or interpret those writings.
Q: Could you give a brief account of Zaidiah in Saadah?
A: Saadah is the main center of Zaidiah for many reasons. First, many Imams, propagandists and religious men belonging to this sect graduated from Saadah. Second, Saadah used to be the capital city of the Hadawi State in the 3rd century of Hejira. The New Zaidiah in Saadah causes no harm to anybody. Zaidiah supporters in Saadah have about 20 Hawzas (corners) in mosques and no less than 90 centers operating in the summer. Besides, in Saadah, there are many Zaidiah scholars, researchers such as Magd-Addin Al-Muayadi and Badr-Addin Al-Hoothi who are considered as references for Zaidiah supporters.
Q: Does this mean that the popularity of Zaidiah made the Salafiah supporters rally to establish their own center in Dammaj of Saadah? What kind of relationship is there between Zaidiah and Salafiah movements that share the same city as their main center?
A: The activity of Salafiah supporters in Saadah is very much limited, specially among the people of the governorate. Most of those who work in their centers are from other governorates or from outside Yemen. However, differences and disputed have occurred among them and now they are accusing one another of atheism. Mukbel Al-Wadii, Salafiah leader, has slandered the thought of Islam and its religious people. There is no relationship between Zaidiah and Salafiah for we never build up any kind of relationship with sects that accuse people of atheism and of originating heresies. Such sects contradict with Islam and its leniency.
Q: What relationship is there between Zaidiah and the other modern Islamic movements in Yemen?
A: It is good with Adli Shafiah and all those movements that give advice, guidance, fight corruption and oppression and believe that man has the right to benefit from the resources of land. However, Zaidiah never respects any movements that slander Islam like Wahabiah. Not only that, but it also counteracts with them.
Q: How does Zaidiah view governing a country?
A: In Zaidiah, ruling a country of state is considered a supreme authority that must be headed by the most qualified, most knowledgeable, and pious people who are politically keen. Moreover, it must be based on shourah and the teachings of Islam that are mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadiths of the Prophet (SAS). The ruler must administer justice, keep promises, pacts and treaties, fight corruption, seek the interest of people and the country.
Q: How does Zaidiah view democracy?
A: It supports, propagates the kind of democracy that is derived from Islamic principles and concepts and that ensures the peoples rights. However, Zaidiah totally rejects biased and hollow democracy of the west.
