Abu Asem on the run [Archives:2003/03/Local News]

January 20 2003

Tribal sources have told the Yemen Times that Yemen’s central security have been in Mareb close to the Horiab al-Karamesh area, and it’s believed they’re tracking Abu Asem, one of the al-Qaeda network wanted elements, had passed through.
Other sources point out that Asem has been moving in the mountains area of the governorate after his departure from Al-Jawf to Mareb last month.
The forces has attempted to arrest Abu Asem but they cannot pinpoint his whereabouts as he is moving constantly, unlike Abu Ali al-Harithi who was assassinated with six fellows by an predator drone plane two months ago.
Abu Asem was close to the place that Abu Ali al-Harithi was killed, but has moved.
The sources mentioned that Asem, who has extensive financial support, can hide for a long time.
Recently, a decision has been issued by President Ali Abduallah Saleh to release 30 extremists, who were central security prisoners in charged of extremism, after they announced repentance.
Al-Osbu newspaper mentioned last Thursday that security forces detained about 120 persons described as Islamic extremists, who were arrested after that assassination of Jarallah Omar and the American aid workers in Jibla.
