ADAM STANDS TRIAL [Archives:2000/22/Front Page]

May 29 2000

Mohammed Adam Omar, the prime suspect in the serial murder case was produced before magistrate, Yahia Mohammed Al-Salami on Saturday in the Secretariat Court of Appeal in the presence of advocate Dr. Mohammed Al-Khatib as the defendant’s lawyer and advocate Ismael Al-Deilami as the victims families’. He confessed to having killed 16 students, out of whom 8 were university students.
The accused confessed to selling the victims’ gold for YR 2 millions by Yasmin Al-Alawadhi who fell in love with him and whom he killed when she told him that she was pregnant. He said that he regretted killing her for he might have had a good relation with her.
More than 5000 students led be Zainab’s mother staged a demonstration last Wednesday in front of the Ministry of Interior demanding action against the University Rector, the dean of the College of Medicine, as well as all those who are involved in the gruesome tragedy.
Primary investigations have confirmed to have recovered 12 bodies out of the 16 victims. In addition they have revealed involvement of 4 accomplices in the crime, 3 of whom are foreigners and one is Yemeni.
Following the angry demonstration of students, Dr. Al-Iryani gave orders to suspend the dean, vice-dean, and all security guards of the college of medicine
Hamdan tribes, to which one of the victims belongs, threatened of taking revenge, demanding the authorities concerned that the accused, as well as his accomplices be punished by the same way the victims were killed.
All student sectors condemned the crime and appealed to President Saleh to interfere to set the University in the right path.
The second session in the Secretariat Court of Appeal is scheduled to be held today.
On Sunday morning around 10,000 university students staged a silent demonstration headed for Presidency Office. The demonstrators demanded that Adam’s accomplices be revealed and stand trial. The demonstration was accompanied by strict security measure in precaution of any incidents.
On the other hand, chairman of Labor Trade Union at Sana’a University, the chairman of General Union of Yemeni Laborers Association, held Mohammed Ahmad Al-Jonaid, Minister of Civil Service, partially responsible for the Medical Faculty crimes.
Mr. Ali Mohammed Al-Hubaishi said in a statement that the minister had refused earlier on 24.12.1991 instructions of the President to consider dispensing allowances and incentives for university technicians so as to give them the opportunity to replace their foreign counterparts. He added that the minister has personally refused to sign the decree of the ministry of civil service and Sana’a University to grant these technicians risk allowances in accordance with the law. He said that the minister was actually the main obstacle behind the replacement of the foreign cadres by Yemeni technicians. “Had the minister responded positively to these decrees and reports, there would not have been such crimes”, he said.
Further details on Reports Page
